Sorry it’s been a while since a real post. Real life is kicking my butt, and work + school = a lot to do (especially since school is dwindling down for the semester and my boss is on maternity leave). In any case, here is part 3 of our countdown to marriage retreat. You can find part 2 here and part 1 here.
Ok so I’m going to back up a little. Our session on in-laws was really interesting to me. It was just all of the couples asking their own questions to a panel of various married couples (all who had taught the classes). One thing we talked about is how you split your time with both sets of families during the holidays. That was one Mathew and I had talked about briefly, but it was nice to hear what other people had decided on it. We also talked about what to do if you have a disagreement with your spouse. Do you tell your parents or not? The answer that was given to the group was to not tell your parents of disagreements because it will diminish their view of your spouse. It makes sense! Anyway, there were many other questions, but those were just a few that I found interesting.
Anyway, so we went and had our “couples processing time” and Mathew and I walked down to the mill.
We first stumbled upon this cute handwashing station outside by the mill. It was too cute not to take a picture of.
Then Mathew and I sat on a deck at the mill and just put our feet in the water. I was constantly on the look out for water moccasins, and actually the next day one of our friends said they saw one right by where we were sitting. YIKES!
I saw this windmill by the mill and thought it looked pretty cool and very “texan”.
I found a cute stepping stone and thought our feet would look cute on it.
After our little hike, I realized I was getting a little bit sunburned. I had Mathew cross the water and ask these ladies in swimsuits if he could have sunscreen, and they gave him SPF 4. What?! I thought, why even bother with sunscreen if it’s only SPF 4? In any case though, we headed back to the Ranch House to play card games since I was burning.
We ended up meeting with some of the others and going to Salado for a little drive, and then came back to the retreat center for dinner and our last session called “leave and cleave”, which basically was about how to leave your parents and become independent on your own. We barely were able to touch base on it though, because we had a “special event”. I would love to mention this special event on here, but it’s a secret. Only people who have been to the retreat, and their “marriage investors” know about it. Let me just tell you that it was extra special, and had Mathew and I both in tears. It had us end the night on a very nice note, and we were able to meet up with everyone else at the retreat center for a campfire with s’mores and another round of the Naked Game.
I have one more small post after this, ending our “Countdown to Marriage” series of posts. Be on the lookout!
SPF 4? LOL! That would do me no good, either! The special event sounds awesome!
SPF 4!? It wouldn’t even get me five minutes outside!
that’s great advice on in laws. This retreat sounds like a truly valuable getaway for couples!!!
Awww I hope we get to do a retreat too! Sounds like you learn so much about one another even though you think you already know so much! And great advice about the in-laws. We struggled with this even while we were dating!
heather- yeah it was ridiculous! like…what’s the point?! haha
shana- me either! i was quickly turning into a lobster!
jillian- it definitely was really helpful for us as well. the retreat really was wonderful and i definitely am recommending it to all my friends 🙂
mel- i hope you get to also! it’s something all couples should do.