Hey ladies! Just wanted to let you all know this is a cruddy post because I currently have a scratched cornea (I think). My eye is really red because my contacts were irritating me all day at work. It’s awful 🙁
Anyway, we’ll be at our pre-marriage counseling retreat tomorrow through Sunday afternoon! I’ll be sure to tell you all about it!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone 🙂
Charm City Bride says
Hope your eye gets better, and have fun this weekend!
Nicole-Lynn says
Sounds fun! Enjoy!
Jasmine says
oh no! feel better and good luck!
Teenage Bride says
enjoy yourself!!!
Bicoastal Bride says
I hope you feel better and are able to enjoy your weekend!
Shana says
Feel better! I am glad I found your blog just in time to say that!
The Vintage Modern Bride says
charm city bride- thank you! my eye finally feels better and we had a great weekend 🙂
nicole-lynn- thanks! we did!
jasmine- i appreciate it, doll!
teenage bride- thanks girlie. we did enjoy ourselves 😉
bicoastal- thanks heather. we definitely had a great time
shana- glad you found my blog too, and thanks 🙂