Before I do another post on the retreat (I’m still uploading pics), I have to say that I’m currently ringless. All this past week my ring has felt really tight. By tight, I mean that I have marks on my finger. Awful. I’ve heard that your fingers can swell during the summer and lately it’s been in the 90s here (except for today which was in the 50s). Because of that, I decided that I needed to get my ring made just a TAD bigger. Mathew and I took my ring to the jeweler to get it resized 1/4 of a ring size. I think it’ll do JUST the trick and it still won’t fall off my finger.
While we were at the jeweler, we also took my wedding band to get resized. We hadn’t had a chance to do it when we first bought it (we just resized the engagement ring), and the owner of the shop said to just bring my ring in once the Christmas and Valentine seasons were over. Now that most of the holidays have dwindled down, we thought it’d be the perfect chance.
I kind of did a SLIGHTLY bridezilla thing though while at the jeweler. We had a guy help us and he basically told me if I wanted my engagement ring resized, it’d take about 2 weeks. I explained to him that I had my engagement photo shoot this Sunday, so I’d need the ring by Friday. He ended up telling me they could do my wedding band, but they’d just have to see if they could get my ring done by the end of the week. Instead of taking his word on it, I saw the owner come out of his office/workshop in the back, and asked him if he could do it faster. I mean, I was nice about it, BUT it probably wasn’t nice of me to try to go over this guy’s head. But then again, didn’t he understand that I needed it done? Ah poor guy. In any case, they’re going to try to do it sooner, so sadly I’m ringless.
I hate that feeling of nakedness that my finger is currently having. I hope that they finish with my rings soon! I can’t wait to have something back on my finger (plus, when I went to Barnes and Noble today and grabbed wedding magazines to read, I SWEAR that I got dirty looks from 2 brides as if I shouldn’t have gotten the magazines because I didn’t look engaged).
Be on the lookout for my next post about the retreat! I promise to do it tomorrow!
Isn’t it strange when you take it off! I always feel as though I lost something when I do and feel in a bit of a panic. I too need to get mine resized, it is pretty tight but I am avoiding it as long as possible. p.s. your ring is lovely 🙂
I remember getting my ring resized and being without it for a few days, too! I actually wore a different ring instead during that time, because it felt so weird. And I don’t think you went bridezilla at all. You need the ring for your photo shoot!
ugh I hated giving my ring up to be sized…. hope you get it back soon!
haha I am SO proud of you for taking charge at the jewelers, though I have no doubt you maintained your classy character 🙂
And anytime I have to fly long distances, I get a bridal mag. And I’m no where CLOSE to engaged. So judge away 🙂
hey check it, I remembered by password! lol
hey there … me again.
Thanks for checking out my weddzilla post today!
I would love to feature some of your letters on Love Letter Friday if you are interested. Readers love to see letters form fellow bloggers. I have had several girls participate and it really seems to be a big hit.
feel free to email me
Thanks so much for your sweet comment! 🙂
I can totally understand your /slight/ bridezilla freak-out at the jeweler. E-pics are an important thing! I hope you get it back in time 🙂
It’s so strange not having it on in public! one day i FORGOT it at home (i know! what was i thinking?!) and I remember all day feeling my finger like OH MY GOD it fell off… haha
I hated giving it up to get it re-sized. it felt like it took forever! but when it fits, it’s THAT much better!
shana- i hate that feeling of panic too! ps..thanks!
heather- glad u didnt think i was being bridezilla. i just know what i want to get done 😉
jillian- thanks! i get it back tomorrow actually 🙂 also, i’ll be emailing you soon about the love letters! thanks so much 🙂
maggie- you’re so funny. oh and i’m going to post tonight i promise! gotta finish up economics hw first! (blah!)
jessica- you’re welcome, and yes i get to pick it up tomorrow! i’m happy.
jasmine- oh no! yeah i’d die if i accidentally left mine somewhere. that’s probably why i never take it off!
Beautiful ring! I love looking at photos of ring pictures…are you a Wedding Bee blogger as well? So happy to find another wedding blogger (though I haven’t done much of it)
Oh boo! I would have been upset not being able to wear my ring too. I’m glad your ring will be done before the shoot! Good for you! 😉
featherfactor- thanks so much for stopping by! no, i’m not a bee, just a fan!
nicole-lynn- yeah i wasn’t too happy i had to give it up, but it’s back on my hands now!