Today marks our new countdown in the double digits for our wedding countdown. That’s right people! We’re at 99 days! YIPPEE! With such a long engagement, I have to say it’s so exciting, but a little scary.
Yeah I said scary.
Why? I’m not exactly sure. To be honest I have lots of things swirling in my mind and can’t exactly pinpoint all the time what I’m thinking when it comes to this wedding. I am SO incredibly excited about it, but I can’t help but feel scared that it won’t all come together (even though I know it will). And what’s even worse? People I know that are getting married and are worried about decorations, money, etc…all I’ve been saying is “Hey, don’t worry! At the end of it all, you’ll be married!”
So why can’t I take my own advice?!
That…I’m not sure quite yet. However, a lot of my fears were exposed last night as I had a HUGE meltdown (*cue ugly cry*)
You see, work…(you know, my new old job) is crazy right now. I run an after school program for a high school in town and currently I have no staff to help me. This week, almost every day, I’ve had 33 kids all to myself. Needless to say, it hasn’t been easy since some of the kids are pretty crazy. Not only that, but my lovely schedule of 11 am-7 pm isn’t going to be here next week. Why? Because I start classes again.
I’ve done the whole school and work thing before. Heck, I’ve done it with wedding planning added to the mix too. I always had decent hours though so it was no problem. This time, it’s different. Starting on Monday, I have to be at work at 7 am for morning tutorials with my kiddos. Then, I have class from 12-2:30, and then have to be back at work from 3-6. To make things more worse than an 11 hour day, I am NOT a morning person.
So yeah my meltdown last night included of us running out of time since last night was our last triple digit countdown day, work being so crazy right now and it getting even crazier, and school starting on monday (which…i still need to get books).
You guys, please tell me this gets better. I don’t know how I’m going to survive this semester with working, school, and getting married.
PS Don’t forget to enter my current giveaway for 50 Thank You cards from Invitations By Dawn! You won’t want to miss out!
You can do it. I didn’t work as much as it sounds like you are, but I had grad apps in the mix as well as finding an apartment/moving. It gets hectic, for sure. I had to be very organized and on a tight schedule, which wasn’t always the most fun, but I know you can do it! And really, now that we’re almost 3 months married– that is really the best part. Being married.
That is def. a crazy schedule hun, I would be feeling the exact same way. It seems everything hits at once ya know? But you are sooo far along with your wedding planning already and I can tell you are so on top of things. It will def. get better once you get into the swing of things..and just know it will take a few weeks to adjust and then it’ll all calm down again! Hang in there!
If there were two skills/characteristic to have right now it would be time management and patience. You’ll pull through! Just make sure to take care of yourself. You don’t want to run yourself ragged and get sick.
Just take a deep breath and conquer one task at a time!
I’ve been there, and know how hard it is to work full-time and go to school while also juggling other things. Once you get into a routine and more used to the schedule, I think you’ll find your groove and not feel as stressed. Sending calm and happy thoughts your way, my friend!
sounds like you have your hands full. Just try to take one day at a time 🙂
xoxo, chrissy
The Perfect Palette
Sounds like being busy may help you not obsess about certain things, so it can be a blessing, but for me – lists! Lists helped me. using Google calendar and/or tasks really just helped me get all my thoughts together. And it does get better, and your big day will be amazing – regardless of how much or how little you stress now, so keep that in mind, breathe (big deep breathes), and smile… you are celebrating your love and that should always make you smile 🙂
Sending you positive thoughts!
it gets better. *hugs* it really does.
Ohh, I’m so sorry about your meltdown! :/ I may or may not have had one of those this week 🙂
Your life is busy right now, so just take it one day at a time!!! Things will calm down here in a bit, and it really will all be ok!!! Good luck!
It sounds like you have a lot on your plate! I’m sure it’ll get easier and more comfortable as times goes on. You’ll get used to the hectic schedule and it’ll become routine! Just take it one day at a time and try to keep very organized and prioritize! And SLEEP! That’s always the most important 🙂
It definitely gets better once you get into a routine/schedule. You just have alot of changes going on right now that you are trying to juggle but once everything is ironed out it will be smooth sailing for you. And don’t be afraid to ask for help from people on things, most people are very willing to help. I have been going through that too..and you still have time before the big day to take care of those last few details. You are very organized Steph, I know you will make it all work!! 🙂
You can do it!!!! Don’t let the stress and worry take away from the excitement and fun!!
You WILL survive, I promise! And honestly, you’ll be so busy that the time will fly by, and the semester will be over (and your wedding will be here!) before you know it. I did the exact same thing – Worked, did my practicum (20 hrs of unpaid work/wk), took 15 hours of classes, and graduated the semester before our June wedding. It was ridiculously stressful and overwhelming at times, but the wedding planning always provided a fun outlet from the stress of everything else, and EVERYTHING was finished in time. I know it doesn’t seem like there’s anyway everything will get done, but it will, and you’ll look back and be proud of yourself for making it through! 🙂