The Vintage Modern Wife: Happies and Crappies Link Up

Welcome to our 12th week of Happies and Crappies link up day! I’m SO FREAKING EXCITED (as usual!) for all you to join us today.

The deets on Happies and Crappies link up:

1. Happies and Crappies link up will be posted EVERY Friday at Midnight CST
2. We’d like for you to put our button on your post for the link up.
3. Please follow your hosts. We won’t make it mandatory, but we appreciate the love
4. If you tweet about your post, feel free to tag myself, Sarah, and use the hashtag #HappiesandCrappies


1. I nailed my student teaching observation yesterday. My supervisor had no complaints and said my lesson plan went smoothly and I have great classroom management! I’m so excited. Just one more observation before graduation!
2. I’m going to visit my family this weekend. I haven’t seen my mom and sister since the beginning of March and I haven’t seen my dad since Christmas! Needless to say, I’m excited for us to visit, even if it’s just for a quick weekend. My sister sent me this picture on Easter and it really made me miss them.

My mom, dad, and pookie

3. I got asked to be in an International Academic Honor Society because of my awesome GPA. Let me just say, going from such a bad GPA to a 4.0 is the BOMB. I’ll have to tell y’all more about that sometime. It’s a good story.
4. I got to have chips and margaritas with my friend Austin yesterday. It was really good to talk with her. I love that girl.
5. Totally got an OlloClip for my iPhone this week. I can’t wait to try it out (it’s been rainy and I want outdoor shots) and show y’all the pics!

Olloclip 3 in 1 lens for your iPhone


1. Pearl ate my laptop cord yesterday. I”m borrowing my father in law’s laptop for now until my new cord comes in the mail. I wanted to be mad at Pearl, but then after she ate the cord she layed on me with her little buddy and I couldn’t be mad at her anymore.

Pearl and her buddy

2. I’ve been restlessly sleeping lately. I think I’m going to try using my sound machine I won at Blissdom this weekend to see if it helps me any better.

Now it’s YOUR turn to link up for Happies and Crappies!

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