Welcome to the one-time link up, Say My Name! Amanda, Amber, and I are excited that you’re joining us to tell us ALL about your blog name!

Say My Name Link Up with Brunch With Amber, Princess of the Panhandle, and The Vintage Modern Wife

The deets on the Say My Name link up:
1. We’d like for you to put our button on your post for the link up.
2. Please follow your hosts. We won’t make it mandatory, but we appreciate the love
3. If you tweet about your post, feel free to tag myself, Amanda, or Amber and use the hashtag #SayMyName

My blog started out as a way to write down what happened during our engagement period. Mathew and I had an 17 month engagement, and I started my first blog post on January 6, 2011 with the intent that only family would be reading.

Our wedding was planned to be a little bit vintage with a modern flair, and thus, the name The Vintage Modern Bride was born.
The Vintage Modern Bride
I spent many a blog post talking about random wedding things: wedding nightmares, roles and responsibilities to think of before getting married, the best (and only) way to have a cake tasting, picking out bridesmaid dresses, and even my last words as a “miss”.

After we got married, I spent much of my time with Mathew and put blogging aside. To me, it was the the best thing I did. My marriage definitely takes precedence over my blog, and I’m so glad to have taken the time out early on to really “live life” with Mathew. After a break in 2012, I came back in July to blog full force. It was then that I changed the blog to The Vintage Modern Wife, got my signature blog design, and the rest of history…well, it’s still being written 😉

Now it’s YOUR turn to link up! Tell us all about your blog name!

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