Confession: I love to live in my p.j. pants from Old Navy. 

I buy the flannel p.j. pants every Christmas and live in them all year long and then buy a new pair again for the next year. They’re so comfy and cozy and I just can’t help but want to stay in them all the time. Like usually whenever I get home (and I know we’re not going anywhere) I jump right into my p.j. pants. If it’s the weekend and I have no plans, you can bet that I’m in my p.j. pants just watching Teen Mom 2 or How I Met Your Mother. In fact, I saw my apartment manager twice this weekend and BOTH times she saw me in my p.j. pants taking Pearl out to potty. I told her, “I promise, I actually wear other clothes!” and she just laughed. Hey- I can’t help that I dress for comfort when I’m at home. But if you know me at all, you know that when I go to hang out, I like to dress up. Some friends even say that I’m “fancy.”

Anyway, the conversation about wearing other clothes (and talk on Twitter) really got me thinking: What the heck am I going to wear to Blissdom?

I’ve been talking to Neely, Ashley, and Heather (yay Blissdom roomies!) about Blissdom and I seriously have NO idea what I’m going to wear. Isn’t it funny that a simple blog conference can throw me for such a loop on clothing? I think to myself, “Should I go for my “look” of chambray and the sparkle shirt from my profile pic?” Stephanie in chambray and a sparkle tank

Nah, that’s totally trying to hard.

Or, “Hmm what about shopping online boutiques or local shops here?” Who knows. I think what I really need to do is sit down and scour Pinterest, Polyvore, and my closet and figure out some outfit options. I know I’ll find something, but I have to admit, it’s stressing me out!

So my questions for you are: If you’ve been to a blog conference, what “essentials” would you say I need for clothes? AND (just because I’m nosy) What’s your “go-to” comfy outfit when you get home for the day?

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