Work has been hard lately. I usually don’t talk about work on my blog because I’m not exactly happy with it, and I’d rather just keep quiet about it.

If you didn’t know already, I run an after school program at a local high school, and to be honest, it’s difficult. My passion is teaching. I’m less than a year away from getting my teaching degree, and my certification will be for Pre K to 6th grade. When I lived back home (before I met Mathew, and before I moved here) I worked at an after school program for an elementary for 4 years. It was amazing. I absolutely loved every minute of it and LOVED getting hugs from my students and helping them with homework and other things. I loved being with them so much that I actually threw parties for them almost monthly in accordance with whatever holiday was around just for the excuse to do something fun for them. However, this isn’t the case currently with the high schoolers. I really don’t enjoy being at work, I can’t relate to the students (though I try hard), and they generally don’t care for me.

There is a chance for a renewal in my life though with work, and now I’m HEAVILY considering it. A lovely co-worker has moved up positions and will now become my boss (I’m so happy for her!), and she worked at an elementary.

Wouldn’t it be great to love my job again and be so happy with what I do? I can only dream!

I’m going to talk to my boss and my new boss (the co-worker) about the thought of a change to elementary while we’re on our trip to New Orleans next week. I’m not sure if it’ll end up happening, but it can’t hurt to try. I want to love work again and be passionate about it. I really do.

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