With 10 days to go until our wedding, life definitely has gotten more hectic than we ever would have imagined. I guess that’s what happens when you decide to move the week before your wedding! Haha. In any case, I’m SO EXCITED!!!
Starting tomorrow we’ve got a whirlwind of activities that include Thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping for our new tv, moving into our apartment, buying the last of the usher/ring bearer gifts, unpacking our moving boxes, working on school projects, and overall getting last minute wedding stuff done.
Although my to-do lists are sky-high, I’m pretty calm about it all. Everyone is telling me “Wow, you’re so organized! How are you so calm?” The answer…I’m totally not sure!
Mathew and I are just excited for everything and it completely trumps anything else.
To all my married bloggers: Were you pretty calm the week before your wedding or were you running around like a chicken without a head? 🙂
Kelley @ TheGrantLife.com says
eeeeek!!! soo close! Keep calm.. and Marry on! 🙂 hehe. I wasnt super busy til the day before.. and the day of our wedding. Then it got crazy but once I got to the church everything calmed down. Cant wait to see pics steph! :)))
J and A says
10 days!! eeekkk! 🙂 Enjoy. Relax. 🙂
Megan says
10 days!!! Aggghhhh!!! That is so exciting! I think you are right, in the end it is all about you guys getting married! I really hope that I am not one of those people running around with their head cut off, haha!
HiLLjO says
Ah the calmness. Keep the hectic in the bottom part of the glacier. You can do it! SO close!
Heather says
Hooray for being calm! I was pretty calm the week before, since at that point, we had already traveled to California and completed all the major tasks. It definitely helped me feel more relaxed and calm to be surrounded by family and friends, focusing only on the excitement.
southtexaswedding says