With 33 days left until our wedding, I’m in complete stress mode. Who knew that even though we’ve had a super long engagement, that we’d be scrambling around to do stuff right up until the end?!

Wedding programs? Not even begun.
Furniture for apartment? Half of it is bought.
Dress and veil cleaned/pressed? Not even taken yet.
Bridesmaid jewelry? Buying in 2 weekends (Dallas!)
House party/Usher gifts? Need to buy

Anyway, the list goes on. I got some great stuff done this weekend though, so I was happy. We bought our first furniture this weekend because Ashley’s was having a sale where everything was 25% off, so we definitely took advantage. We’re happy to say that our living room furniture (except for the tv/tv stand) is complete! All we need to buy now is our dining table, bedroom end tables, and a dresser for our bedroom and we’ll be set!

Needless to say, I’m a happy gal, but I am starting to have the wedding nightmares again. I had a dream last night that I had nothing for the wedding that I needed. It started with the door hangers (the ones I got from Laura) not being on the doors, then I didn’t have my veil and shoes, and then my hair and makeup people didn’t show up (Rob Kardashian ended up doing my makeup haha). At the end of the wedding reception, there was a part where I was all alone in the reception site and I sighed because the reception decor was absolutely how I envisioned it…and I was married.

I think the dream really brought out that I’m worried it won’t come together, just like any bride would think right now. Also, I’m worried on the timing of when everything is. All in all, I think I’ll get over it. I’m definitely excited to have less worries in 33 days!

This month is going to go fast…and I hope I can hold on long enough for the ride!!!

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