Ok so I may be singing Aretha in my head, but I can’t help it! I finally had the chance to tally up the votes from the poll I took the other day on what you like reading the most here at The VMW, and I was really amazed at the results.

love/marriage- 36
daily life- 39
pets- 17
social media/blogging- 18
fitness- 23
fashion/beauty- 18
healthy recipes- 16

This really surprised me! I had no idea that y’all really cared about reading my daily life (although, that’s how this blog got its basis) and want to read more about love/marriage and fitness.

Can I tell y’all a secret?

I’ve kinda been slacking on the fitness train. After Blissdom began, I kinda had too much fun eating whatever I wanted and not working out. But now that I know y’all want to read more about it, I’m going to push myself to work hard. Sometimes, you’ve just got to get back on track. Plus, I’ve got some new adorable fitness clothes that I want y’all to see!

As for love and marriage- I’d love to know your thoughts on what exactly you’d like to read about. Communication? Date night ideas? Blogging and spouses? I’m excited to get started more on that path and I hope I can do it justice!

Mathew and I
Mathew and I taken by the lovely Sar

I’m excited y’all want to know more social media and blogging tips and I’ve already got some ideas in the works. I’ve had several friends ask me to help with designing images for their blogs or media kits, but there’s so much more than that! This should be fun.

When it comes to pets…be prepared to see more of THIS face:

Easter dog
Pearl last Easter when she was just a wittle baby

And as always, I’ve got more fashion coming your way. I’ve partnered up with some amazing shops to bring you the best in online boutiques. I love boutiques because people here in town don’t really shop at them and so my clothes are unique compared to everyone else. Y’all are gonna LOVE everything coming up!

I’m really thankful to all of you who took the time out to respond to my poll. I’m working hard to make this blog the best it can be, and it can’t get better without awesome readers 🙂 I appreciate it!

What are you specifically looking for when it comes to love/marriage and blogging/social media tips? Sound off in the comments!

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