Welcome to our 57th week of Happies and Crappies link up day! H&C wouldn’t have been around for so long if it wasn’t for you awesome ladies linking up, so Amber and I really appreciate you!
1. Happies and Crappies link up is posted EVERY Friday at Midnight CST. Happies and Crappies link up was created so you could write about the happies (good) and crappies (bad) from your week!
2. Please put the H&C button on your post for the link up.
3. Please follow your hosts. It’s not mandatory, but we appreciate the love.
4. If you tweet about your post, feel free to tag me and Amber as well as use the hashtag #HappiesandCrappies
1. Monday we will get to see our baby again! It’ll be our 11 week appointment and I can’t wait to see what our baby looks like on an ultrasound now that it’s bigger. With our first ultrasound it looked like a little blueberry, and I’m hoping to see that it really looks like a baby now!
2. We got our income tax return this week and paid off our one and ONLY credit card! It feels so good to just have that out of the way. We have paid off several big bills in the past year and I’m just so glad to knock them off of our list!
3. I stayed home sick yesterday because I felt so rotten, and Mathew was so sweet to buy me a rose just out of the kindness of our heart. It just amazes me at how wonderful of a husband he’s truly been. He’s been taking over laundry, dishes, cooking (some days), and even gets up to get me whatever I need. I can not even express to him how amazing he has been, and how thankful I am to have him in my life. I feel like such a burden at times because by the time I get home from work I’m useless. He really is a huge blessing to me.
1. “Morning” sickness has really gotten a hold of me the past week. At first the only reason I really hadn’t been on here was because I was always so exhausted. Now, it’s exhaustion AND vomiting. Ah, that glamorous side to pregnancy. It’s weird though, because the craziest things can make me start to gag…and then it’s all over from there. Last night was one such night, and I was able to hold down some toast after not being to hold down my dinner. I’m seriously ready for this part to be over with.
2. The cold weather is back. I hate it. I’m ready for Spring. Go away Winter.
Jessica Roth says
Congratulations on paying things off! Doesn’t it feel amazing? It was really nice to have our baby and not have to stress about debt. Great job!
Sorry about the pukes. It’s no good. Everytime I was hovered over a toilet I just told my self “This baby is worth it!” Hopefully it clears up soon!
Jessica Roth recently posted…Moving…Not for the Faint of Heart
Jamie says
Congrats on paying stuff off! Hope you feel better soon. I’m ready for spring as well. Less than a month until it’s officially spring!
Jamie recently posted…Happies & Crappies
Michelle (michabella) says
Boo to morning sickness but YAY for paying off a credit card!!
Bri says
Paying off a debt always feels so great!
Bri recently posted…The Month I Thought Would Never End
Natashalh says
That’s so awesome! Congrats on paying off that card. It must feel great!
Natashalh recently posted…How to Make your Own Recycled Paper without a Mold or Deckle