If you thought I would be talking about the apocalypse, you’d be wrong. As a Christian- I don’t believe in the Mayan prophecy, but we’ll talk about my honeymoon last year on 12/21 at the Mayan ruins just a year early another day.

Actually, what I was talking about was that the end of the semester is near! Hallelujah! I feel like I’ve been sorta slacking on the blog, but in my defense, there’s been SO much work.  I’m so thankful that yesterday was technically the last official day of classes and that all I have today is to write a HUGE paper (well it’s like 3 papers put together), meet with a professor, and then we’re having a small Christmas/end of the semester party with one of our professors. Of course, I’m procrastinating my paper right now, but whatevs.

I’m excited for this weekend though because last night I was chatting with my girlies and not only do I get to hang out with Sar for something other than pictures, but Neely AND Sarah are coming over too this weekend! We’re actually going to have a yoga pants and t-shirt sleepover, look for tacky Christmas sweaters at goodwill, and gonna film an AWESOME video that y’all will hear about/see later!

Its Ok Thursdays

– to procrastinate on your papers at the end of the semester
– to go to bed early and sleep in the next morning
– to still not comprehend that you’re going to BLISSDOM because your hubby got you a ticket for your anniversary
– to be excited to go skiing next week
– to think your professors can be pretty cool (well, most of them)
– to have all but one Christmas gift left to buy and wrap. Christmas is exciting!
– to text/email so much that your phone dies on a daily basis
– to get excited when you write a paper and your professor writes a note saying they can really “tell your voice!” Yep- that’s totally from blogging! 
– to send your husband to the store to get something and he gets it wrong (i.e. wanting sparkling apple cider and he comes home with sparkling grape juice; wanting CHRISTMAS stamps for your cards and he comes home with patriotic stamps)
– to wonder when Christmas cards from people will get in the mail

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