Welcome back for another week of Sunday Social! I’m so excited to link back up with Neely and Ashley this week. 

This Sunday Social is a little different than the usual ones, and didn’t have questions. Instead, Neely and Ashley challenged us to talk about fall! I’m all about decorating on the cheap. When you’re a newlywed, you don’t have lots of extra money to spend on decorating. So here are a couple great ideas I’ve found on Pinterest that I think y’all will like- all under $20 a piece!
1. Filled Lanterns
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What I love about these lanterns is that you can get them for a decent price pretty much anywhere (I like Hobby Lobby because I can use their 20% off coupon). You can also get mini pumpkins at your local grocery store and voila! I’d say this is only $10-15 for this project. Not bad at all!
2. Garland Wrapped Pumpkin
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What I love about this is how easy it is. Buy some white paint (spray paint or in the bottle) and go to town. Then, hit up your local dollar store and buy some cute garland to go around. I’m not super fancy, and we have a square table for 4, so this idea wouldn’t necessarily work on my dining table, but it’d still even be cute on a coffee table or even outside on your front porch! Depending on how big your pumpkin is, this project varies on price, but can range from $8-15. Not bad!

3. Autumn Filled Hurricanes
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This one’s SO simple and impossible to mess up. If you live somewhere where you can find acorns lying around, grab them! If not, you can buy any thing else to fill- pecans in their shells, mini pine cones, fall leaves from the dollar store, candy corn, etc. Get creative with this one! All you need are candles, hurricanes (Hobby Lobby usually has 50% off plus you can use your 20% off coupon, or you can try the dollar store), and the filler. I’ve seen gorgeous filled hurricanes that are 3 feet tall all the way to little ones like the one in this picture. You can choose how cheap this project can be- anywhere from $2-$50 depending on size!

4. Cinnamon Stick Wreath
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I love wreaths. Even more so? I love MAKING wreaths. I’m not the most crafty, I admit, but I definitely try. This wreath looks pretty fool proof. It looks like all you need is a twig wreath (can you believe I saw some for $2.50 in the dollar spot at Target last week?!), a couple packages of cinnamon sticks, a cute ribbon, and a hot glue gun. This could easily be another cheap project for about $10. 

5. Jars With Wheat
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Got some cute jars at home? Old beer bottles, perhaps? Take off the labels, slap on some vinyl letters (maybe you have a Silhouette? If not- Hobby Lobby has letters for $1), and pick a few handfuls of wheat from a local field. This is an easy 3 minute decoration that can look perfect on your mantel for a couple bucks (to almost free)! It doesn’t take much effort at all and looks adorable! 

I love every single thing about fall. The weather, clothing, and decor get me so excited every year. I love summer, but by the end of it, I’m completely sick of the heat. Now that fall is here, I’m excited to get my decor on and get into all the fun of fall! What are your favorite decorations? What did you think of these?

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