The Vintage Modern Wife and Brunch With Amber: Happies and Crappies Link Up

Welcome to our 44th week of Happies and Crappies link up day! H&C wouldn’t have been around for so long if it wasn’t for you awesome ladies linking up, so Amber and I really appreciate you!

The deets on Happies and Crappies link up:

1. Happies and Crappies link up is posted EVERY Friday at Midnight CST. Happies and Crappies link up was created so you could write about the happies (good) and crappies (bad) from your week!

2. Please put the H&C button on your post for the link up.

3. Please follow your hosts. It’s not  mandatory, but we appreciate the love.

4. If you tweet about your post, feel free to tag me and Amber as well as use the hashtag #HappiesandCrappies


1. My sister’s new clothing line has released this week for her shop 11:11 Apparel. I’m so proud of her and how far along she and the company have come. She started the shop when she was only 16, and it’s only gone up from there! Please make sure to check out her website. Psst- her clothes make awesome Christmas gifts by the way 😉

2. It’s FRIDAY! That in itself is something to be happy about. For once this weekend Mathew and I have NO plans. Usually we are out of town on the weekends or we try to keep pretty busy. Not this week! I’m thankful for it.

3. Thanks to my friend Whitney being on Twitter while I was still at work and telling me…Jessica Simpson is coming to Dallas next weekend and MATHEW IS TAKING ME! You guys- she’s my idol. It is my DREAM to work with her and her team for this blog. Not to mention, Ashlee will be there too. Jess and Ashlee remind me so much of me and my sister Heather (the one that owns 11:11 Apparel) in their love of fashion, differences in style, and their closeness.  Plus, they love making my signature pose..I mean come ON. How in the world could I miss this?!

Jessica and Ashlee Simpson


1. I strained my neck while working out the other day. It’s been 3 days and I still have a crick in my neck despite the use of Advil and Thermacare pads. They’re definitely helping, but I just want my neck to be completely better!

2. Pearl is in DIRE need of a haircut but I’m still too scared to put her in my car since the accident. I’m thinking she is going to get an early Christmas gift on Thanksgiving for a dog car seat, but we will see. There’s NO way I’ll be letting her sit ANYWHERE unbuckled.

Now it’s your turn to link up! Tell us about the Happies and Crappies from your week!

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