The Vintage Modern Wife: Happies and Crappies Link Up

Welcome to our 5th week of Happies and Crappies link up day! I’m SO FREAKING EXCITED (as usual!) for all you to join us today.

The deets on Happies and Crappies link up:

1. Happies and Crappies link up will be posted EVERY Friday at Midnight CST
2. We’d like for you to put our button on your post for the link up.
3. Please follow your hosts. We won’t make it mandatory, but we appreciate the love
4. If you tweet about your post, feel free to tag myself, Sarah, and use the hashtag #HappiesandCrappies

1. Sarah came and stayed the night at my house on Friday last week. We just chilled but it was nice having her over. Plus, on Saturday I got to sexify her with hair and makeup for her photo shoot with Sar.

2. I convinced Mathew and Austin to let me make pancakes on Tuesday for Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras. They were epically good. It was awesome. Plus, Austin helped me make Valentines for my 42 students! She is seriously amazing for helping me.

3. My social studies lessons are really getting through to the kids. It makes me feel so good! I have my observation supervisor visiting next Monday so I hope they’re just as awesome then.

4. I had to go to a conference for school yesterday (which is a crappy) but I got to see all my school friends! I’ve missed not seeing them every single day. Plus, my friend Cherish got engaged right after the conference! I am so happy for her.

5. Valentines was AMAZING. Mathew loved his boudoir book and all the chocolates I gave him. He ended up surprising me with a trip to Round Rock and letting me pick out anything from Michael Kors. I picked out a beautiful studded purse and I’m so freaking excited about it.

He also gave me a beautiful flower arrangement with roses and tulips! Just beautiful.


6. Jennifer and I got to go to Chuys and have a venting session. I definitely love that we can do that during the week when we are stressed about our student teaching. She’s a great friend. Now all we need is Hollie at our school!



Our first Christmas Mathew and I got a set of half heart necklaces from James Avery that had a prayer on it. Since we were long distance, this was our nice little reminder. I lost my necklace in January and cried for days that I couldn’t find it. I looked in my purse, closet, drawers- basically tore the house apart looking for it. Then yesterday at the conference I was looking for something and I found it! I was shocked because I was convinced it was lost forever. I definitely had to suppress happy tears when I found it.

8. I finally made Pearl an appointment to get a haircut. Poor little nugget needs a haircut so badly.

9. Hope’s sent me a picture of my outfits for Blissdom and I’m incredibly excited. I’ve even got a chambray shirt outfit for y’all. You KNOW that’s my signature look here on the blog, so it was a MUST.

1. My mentor teacher hasn’t really let me taught this week. I’m not sure why, but it has me worried a little.

2. My throat is all itchy lately. I hope I’m not getting a cold AGAIN.

3. The conference for school was SO boring. Totally fell asleep a couple times. Oops.

Now it’s YOUR turn to link up for Happies and Crappies!

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