Welcome to our 13th week of Happies and Crappies link up day! I’m SO EXCITED (as usual!) for all you to join us today.
1. Happies and Crappies link up will be posted EVERY Friday at Midnight CST
2. We’d like for you to put our button on your post for the link up.
3. Please follow your hosts. We won’t make it mandatory, but we appreciate the love
4. If you tweet about your post, feel free to tag myself, Sarah, and use the hashtag #HappiesandCrappies
1. Mathew had a half day of work yesterday so we got to get in a movie AND dinner before our normal time that he’d even be home! It was nice to have together time. Plus, we went out to the lake afterward and took some fun pictures really quick.
2. I got emailed by the district I’m student teaching in to become a substitute! This is HUGE! The district I’m in right now is REALLY hard to get into. Subbing is just the way to get my foot in the door for the end of the school year and get my name out there while principals are checking out resumes. Y’all know being on one income is hard, so getting in a little bit of cash will be nice.
3. I got to hang out with my friends Hollie, Cherish, and Samantha this week for school. I love hanging out with them and talking “teacher” language.
4. My sister’s friend, Michelle, got released from the hospital today. If you didn’t know, she’d been in a terrible four-wheeler wreck. I’m so glad she is out of the hospital.
5. I got a curling wand to do a product review on that has 4 interchangable barrel sizes. I haven’t been able to try it out yet, but I can’t wait!
1. I’ve been tired ALL week and can’t seem to catch up. Last night it took me an hour to fall asleep AND then I kept waking up almost every hour. I tried my sound machine but it annoyed Mathew so I didn’t really get to use it.
2. I haven’t really cooked this week. I”ve been so busy with resumes and junk that I’ve just been more willing to grab something. Gotta fix that!
3. I may have ugly cried this week because of the resumes. As mentioned yesterday, I kinda thought I’d messed them up but I was able to update it online without any problems so I am happy.
Now it’s YOUR turn to link up for Happies and Crappies!
Jenn says
I love that sunset picture!
Jenn recently posted…05 – 11 April 2013
Southern Angel says
A trip to the lake is always a great thing for my husband and I, we just never get the time to do it. Congrats on the sub position I hope it leads you to a full time job.
Southern Angel recently posted…He’s going out of state, without his momma!!
Courtney says
I have a wand curling iron and I swear by it! Greatest invention ever. I love the idea of the interchangeable wand, can’t wait to hear your review!
Courtney recently posted…New Trent iCarrier {Giveaway}
Jodi says
Can’t wait to read your review on the curling wand. I want one but it seems like it would be hard for me to use on my own hair (without burning my fingers)!!
Jodi recently posted…Happies and Crappies
Neely says
Yeah still looks like a vibrator
Ari says
Pretty pictures… and congrats on the substitute position. Very exciting!
You just got offered a curling wand to review? Oh I am so jealous!
Ari recently posted…Five on Friday, take 3.
Danielle says
When I was applying to jobs, before I got the one I currently have, I accidently put my husbands phone number down instead of my own, whoops! Luckily he was really good at relaying the messages to me though 😉
Congrats on the substitute position!
Meg Cady says
Applying for teaching jobs is ugly cry worthy. SUCKKKKKKS.
Congrats on getting the sub position… the teacher you sub for will be so glad not to get a glorified babysitter (literally every time I leave my class with a sub something gets broken…. this time my jar i kept pens/pencils in… last time… my printer ugh)
Happy weekend!!!!
Meg Cady recently posted…High Five For Friday No. 39
Casey A says
Oh my goodness I miss those dear bluebonnets so much! I’m craving some Texas right now!
P.S. I added your link and credit in my post! So sorry I didn’t before! Eek!
Casey A recently posted…Taking the plunge
Amy Lynn says
Congrats on being a substitute! Way to get your foot in the door 🙂
I love that your husband got off early so you guys could enjoy your day together! I would love to do something like that, even though my husband usually doesn’t have to work very late hours.
How exciting about the curling iron, I would love to do a review for something like that!
I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
Amy Lynn recently posted…Happies and Crappies Friday #10
Maddie says
Congrats on the subbing! Hopefully everything works out for the best.
Kenzie S says
Sounds like you and Mathew had a great night! I love your pictures.
Congrats on getting your foot in the door subbing!
Definitely sounds like you had a lot more happies than crappies 😀
Stopping by from the Happies & Crappies link up ♥
Kenzie S recently posted…Thanks, Happies & Crappies
Kelly says
That sunrise is absolutely gorgeous!
Sparkles and Shoes
Kelly recently posted…Classic Driving Mocks
Shelley says
That’s great news about being a substitute! Yay! Hope you have a great weekend!
Shelley recently posted…I Love “Friends”
Patty says
Just found your blog from another one…I love the idea of the happies and the crappies…too cute!
Great outside pictures! I have been thinking of getting a curling wand too, but am afraid I’ll burn up my fingers!
look forward to following:)
elle sees says
yay for the happies! boo for the crappies. i can’t wait to hear about the curling wand!!
elle sees recently posted…Happy 3rd Blogiversary ElleSees!
Kristen says
Can’t wait to read your review! I definitely need to get a new curling iron.
Kristen recently posted…Monday updates.