If you don’t follow me on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook (which, you should be already hehe) you might not have known that last week I was put into the hospital. More details to come on that later, but the gist of it all- I’ve been put on modified bed rest until Addison makes her arrival via c-section in a few weeks. Although we don’t have an induction date set yet, it could be as soon as 2-3 weeks from now, and I’m doing what I can at home to get ready. I’m not allowed to do much (I’m even not allowed to go to work), and it’s made me a little stir crazy. I got the idea that I wanted something to decorate our hospital door when Addison arrives that we could take home and put outside her nursery door. With a picture in my mind, I came up with Addison’s birth announcement wreath!
I tried to spread out this project throughout several days just so I would actually have something to do during my bed rest and not just be done within a couple of hours. My sweet husband was so nice to let me give him a list and send him out to Hobby Lobby so I wouldn’t be bored to tears while he was at work during the week.
Here’s what I used:
10 inch styrofoam wreath
1 25 yard roll of hot pink tulle
1 yard pink swirl fabric
1 yard pink and blue damask fabric
1 inch ribbon
wooden letter A
clear monofilament illusion cord
small canvas
2 safety pins
pink paint
black paint
hot glue gun
Here’s how I did it:
1. Cut your tulle into 12-14 inch pieces (depending on how long you want the tulle to stick out from your wreath) and cut your fabric into 12-14 inch long pieces that are 2 inches wide. Make a stack of each before you get started, and it’ll be MUCH easier to do. I didn’t need the entire roll of tulle or the whole yard each of fabric, so just make a good stack to get you started and then adjust from there.
2. Paint your letter and canvas before you begin your wreath. Put a nice coat of paint on them, set them somewhere to dry, and they should be finished by the time you complete your wreath.
3. Take one strip of tulle and wrap it around the wreath and knot it. I preferred my knots to be on top rather than the side like this DIY Tulle Wreath I made a while back. My pattern for the wreath was 2 tulle, 1 pink swirl, 2 tulle, 1 damask. The fabric is thicker than the tulle, so you’ll only be able to cross the ends and knot it once. The tulle will need to be knotted in a regular square knot. As you tie the tulle and fabric to the wreath, push them close together so you can’t see the wreath underneath.
4. Once the wreath is completed, cut about 1.5 feet of the clear monofilament illusion cord. I folded my clear cord in half, knotted it onto my letter A, and then wrapped it around my wreath. I secured the ends of the clear cord to the fabric on the BACK of my wreath with a dime size of hot glue to make sure it stayed put.
5. When my canvas was fully dry, I used a pencil to write out my words so I could have proper spacing and some kind of a guideline. I chose to write her monogram, full name, and the words “date,” “time,” “length,” and “weight.” I also used extra fabric to make tiny rosettes, and hot glued the ribbon on the back of my canvas. Then, I went over my pencil writing with black paint and a thin paint brush.
6. Once everything was dry on my canvas, I flipped my wreath over and used a safety pin on each ribbon to connect it to the wreath. You COULD use a hot glue gun, but in my experience, it never comes out perfectly straight the first time, and you may want to adjust your ribbon. Also, the safety pins will ensure that your ribbon actually holds onto the wreath over time, especially since the canvas has a bit of weight on it.
7. When you’ve got your ribbon and canvas connected properly and securely to your wreath, use monofilament cord, ribbon, or tulle and a command hook/wreath hanger to hang your wreath up!
So there you have it! Addison’s birth announcement wreath. I already have hung it outside her nursery door, and can’t wait to take it to the hospital! She’s going to be here really soon!
Kristine Foley - The Foley Fam says
Super cute Steph! Seriously you can’t go wrong with pink tulle!
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Amber says
What an adorable idea!!
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Heather says
The wreath looks beautiful! I’m so sorry you had to go into the hospital. Sending warm thoughts your way!
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Diana says
I’m just hearing this now that you were in the hospital and put on bed rest, I hope you two are doing alright. I’ve been following along on all your updates but missed this one. Big hugs xoxo. Love the pop of colorful ribbon you put in the wreath.
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Jamie Rippy (@MamaMommyMom) says
That’s really cute and would be so pretty hanging both in the hospital and at home!
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Ange says
YOU my friend are a wreath making machine! I love love love this!
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Erin says
Wow! That wreath is beautiful!!! 🙂
Karly says
I never thought to make anything like this for my kids, and since I spent so much time in the hospital, it would have been perfect!
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