I’m a Texas gal. Texas is NOT supposed to get cold…or not very cold. The past 3 days though…it’s been freezing! Now, I know everyone else is going to think I’m nuts for whining about the weather (considering its only 15 degrees out), but it’s been too cold for me! I usually go skiing in New Mexico, but with the wind and temps lately, I feel as though I’m on top of a mountain!

Work has been crazy because of the weather. You see, my office is in a portable building outside of the high school, and has a gate around it. The gate always gets locked at the end of the night (so that no one will mess with my portable, the other portable, and the greenhouse) and because of the weather, the lock has frozen! I cancelled after school for the kids yesterday because I couldn’t even get in my office, but I couldn’t do that again today. Did a little complaining/troubleshooting to the assitant principal and she ended up having a janitor cut the lock off the gate! Then, once school finally let out and the kids were coming in for our after school program (which we hold in the cafeteria), we found out that the main water pipe for the school burst in the kitchen part of the cafeteria! Needless to say, I’m glad I’m home from work now.

In wedding news, today marks 10 months until we get married!!! I’m really happy. The other day I even took out money I had in my account and put $4,000 into our wedding savings!

Our wedding savings is a small accordian folder that we have in our safe in the house. Each section of the accordian is labeled for something like “wedding attire”, “cake”, “reception”, “honeymoon”…etc. It’s working really well and is helping us save faster because it’s not just laying in a bank account.

Do any of you have methods you use for saving for your wedding?

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