I think I can speak for most of us in saying that this week has been a little bit crazy. With kiddos back to school, parents are waking up early again to take them to school,  teachers are busy planning lessons, and kids are back to having homework.

For me, it’s a good combination of those. If you didn’t know already- I’m a college student full time. Not only that, but I work full time, too. It isn’t a job for the faint of heart, and at times can get pretty busy and crazy, but once I get into my daily routine then I’m good.

Yesterday started out pretty tough for me. I woke up on time, but had no time whatsoever to eat breakfast or make a 2 min cup of coffee with my Keurig. Needless to say, I came to work at 7:15 looking pretty bushy-tailed and not so “bright-eyed”. By the time things even slowed down, it was 11:30 and time for me to go to class. Luckily I was able to eat a quick lunch and go to class.

Class was a doozy. The great part about it was seeing all my friends (funny how I sound like my middle schoolers at work), but the professor went on and on about the syllabus and then our head of the student teaching came and talked to us about our placements this fall. Y’all- I have NO idea how I’ll get my 40 hours in this semester. This means less pay- and I can’t really afford that. Scratch that…we can’t afford it. I started panicking in class and frantically texted Mathew for the only solution to my busy, crazy life- an Erin Condren life planner.

Obviously I was off my rocker because those things are $50 (and while I was at it, why not make it an 18 month planner for an extra $5?). I was DESPERATE y’all. So I caved- and bought one (with the only rule about it that I will pay myself back with student loan money- hey…it’s for school!).

I customized the front of mine with pictures from our post-wedding photoshoot and our engagement pictures, and then customized the back with a few instagram faves of mine. The front will have my name on it (and now I’m kicking myself in the butt for not putting “The Vintage Modern Wife” on the bottom line- next year, people, next year.

I know these things are expensive, but I seriously feel like this is the only way I’m going to keep my life on track this year. 12 hours of school (and all the homework that comes with it), 60 hours of “observation” at a school (aka almost student teaching), a week long project with another classmate at a school, working full time, blogging, student teaching, testing for teacher certifications, and then finding a job as a teacher.

I’ll let you all know how my Erin Condren Life Planner turns out when I get it. In the mean time- how do you keep organized? And- have YOU entered our Farewell Summer, Hello Fall Swap? You still have until Friday! 

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