It’s hard to believe it’s almost Halloween. I feel like time has flown this month! One of our favorite things to do as a family is carve pumpkins. It’s been a tradition ever since Mathew and I dated, and it’s so fun. With Mathew working, Addie having multiple doctor and therapy appointments, Lawson going to Mother’s Day Out, me working and keeping the house tidy… ok you get the idea- there’s a lot going on!
Halloween is literally around the corner and I didn’t want to miss carving pumpkins with the kiddos. In the past we’ve used a grocery delivery service, but when Mathew was looking for a job it was one thing we cut in our budget. Now that Mathew is working again, we recently started using Walmart+ so we could get groceries, decor, and more delivered as early as the same day. Even better, there’s free unlimited delivery with a $35 minimum order (restrictions apply) and I’m able to enjoy the same everyday low prices I expect from Walmart. We’re also eligible for mobile scan & go with our membership so next time we have time to go in-store we can have a contactless checkout experience.
We grabbed a ton of fun stuff for carving and paid barely over $35 for it all. We also were able to get candy, treat bags, and non-candy stamps for our trick or treaters. We plan on putting the bags of treats on a table for kids to grab safely while we watch from a distance. Halloween is a favorite holiday in our house and I can’t wait to put our pumpkins out to display.
We had so much fun carving our pumpkins with the carving kit and adding this fun pumpkin monster kit to the kids’ pumpkins. It really was so helpful to have Walmart+ on hand so we could get what we needed without running around to get it. I love making memories with our family and I wasn’t sure if we’d have time to carve pumpkins this year. It was the icing on the cake for a fun and festive activity.
Addie is seriously too cute! Love her pink unicorn on her chair. And Lawson is looking so grown up! We can’t wait to carve pumpkins with Avery and start all the holiday traditions!!
Great job Addie!
Thanks for the tip girl! We sometimes do grocery pick-up but is much rather have grocery delivery! May need to try this out!