Please tell me you get the obscure lyrics from my title and you’re not too young to get them. Please? (Psst- if you were born in the 90s then you totally won’t get it). If you’re wondering what I’m addicted to, I’m referring to How I Met Your Mother and my addiction to it and Netflix.

Source: via Stephanie on Pinterest

I totally blame Neely for my Netflix addiction. She told me about it’s awesomeness and then I was convinced that we had to get it (even though Mathew had been asking me for about 2 months). I’ve been watching all sorts of fun holiday movies, and a couple shows. Most importantly though, we’ve been addicted to HIMYM. When we finished it, we got totally depressed and had to start it all over again.

So my question to y’all is- what shows on Netflix do you like to watch? I need another show to get addicted to! My sister has said I need to watch Breaking Bad and Dexter, but I’m also looking for funny shows. I love dramas, but I REALLY love funny shows (because who wants to be depressed all the time?!)

Give me your recc’s!

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