Here goes!
#1- Truth or Lie? I shaved my sister’s back when we were little.
#2- Truth or Lie? I’ve admitted that I’d eat yellow snow in case of an avalanche.
#3- Truth or Lie? I’ve fallen overboard while out fishing with my dad.
If you want to take a guess, leave a comment and I’ll answer you via email!
Hmm… I’m going to guess that #2 is the lie? And that 1 and 3 are truths. 🙂 How’d I do???
Mia @ The Chronicles of Chaos recently posted…Awesome Possum
Number 2 a lie?
I’m guessing #2 is a lie!
Amy recently posted…Two Truths & a Lie.
So you can go shave your back now.
I vote #2 is a lie. I’m hoping, anyway.
Sar recently posted…Truth be told, I’m lion.
I am going to call your bluff on the yellow snow! 🙂
Jen recently posted…Literary Junkies Link Up!
….please tell me numero dos is the lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think number 2!
Thanks for linking up with us!
Jena recently posted…Liar, Liar Pants On…
I am going to go out on a limb and go with truth, truth, lie
I’m going to say 1 is the lie.
Ashley recently posted…Mommy Confession: I Don’t Like Kids
i think #2 is a lie!
I’m guessing #2 is the lie
I’m thinking number 2 is a lie? I’m hoping….
Carley recently posted…Truth is, I’m a Lion.
Please tell me that #2 is a lie?
Dawn recently posted…Field Trippin
i’m guessing #2 is the lie…
Sarah recently posted…moving=motherhood??
Number 1 throws me a bit, as I never thought little girls had much back hair to shave? I’m gonna go with that one. 🙂 What a fun idea! I love this game!
My guess is truth, truth, lie but really I have no idea!
Sparkles and Shoes
Kelly recently posted…Past Adventures: Pompeii
hehe these are funny. i think that #3 is a lie and #1&2 are true! 🙂
xo, Courtney
Courtney recently posted…a valentine’s day recap
I think number one is a lie. =)