So we had a huge surprise this evening. Mathew’s sister (and BM), Kristin, gave us $300 to put towards our honeymoon fund!

Saving for the wedding has been easy because I have my full time job (while I go to school), but Mathew’s job is to pay for the honeymoon. It’s been harder for him since he has a part time job (and has a car payment, cell phone bill…and i don’t have bills). I just let him put money whenever he has a little bit extra because I know it’s hard for him to save right now. When he graduates this May and finds a full time job it’ll be easier to save I’m sure.

We were very happy that Kristin offered us such a large amount of money. Now, we officially have 1/3 of our honeymoon fund saved! YAYYYY! El Dorado Royale HERE WE COME!

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