The Vintage Modern Wife and Brunch With Amber: Happies and Crappies Link Up

Welcome to our 42nd week of Happies and Crappies link up day! H&C wouldn’t have been around for so long if it wasn’t for you awesome ladies linking up, so Amber and I really appreciate you!

The deets on Happies and Crappies link up:

1. Happies and Crappies link up is posted EVERY Friday at Midnight CST. Happies and Crappies link up was created so you could write about the happies (good) and crappies (bad) from your week!

2. Please put the H&C button on your post for the link up.

3. Please follow your hosts. It’s not  mandatory, but we appreciate the love.

4. If you tweet about your post, feel free to tag me and Amber as well as use the hashtag #HappiesandCrappies


1. I got to play photographer for a couple of friends of ours on Sunday. They’re expecting a baby and asked me to take pictures for their announcement! It was SO much fun being the photographer for them and I felt special that they asked me to do it. I’d known for several weeks and it was killing me not to tell!

2. My sweet secret pal at work got me this cute door decoration yesterday as a Halloween gift! It’s super cute and I love it! Just wish I had had more time to leave it up on my door! Time to get ready for Thanksgiving decorations!

3. It’s November already! The first half of this school year is seriously flying by. I feel like it’s still the beginning of the year and we’re already in November.

4. My parents are coming into town this weekend to spend some time with me while Mathew is out attempting to hunt deer for the opening weekend of deer season. I just realized I haven’t even seen my parents since July! I guess happy #3 really DID make me feel like things just flew by! I’m sad that it’s been so long since I’ve seen them, but I’m thankful they’re making the 5.5 hour drive to see me.

5. Halloween was actually chilly here! It’s been SO many years since it’s been chilly on Halloween and not insanely hot and humid. I am SO ready for the weather to actually seem like Fall so I can wear sweaters all day.


1. The fact that night comes SO early right now is completely screwing me up. I’ll be ready to hit the hay, and then I realize it’s only 7:30 and not 10:30! I’m SO ready for the time change. Plus, I’ll welcome the extra hour of sleep.

2. I have spent ZERO time with Mathew since Monday. We’ve been so busy and I’ve been working hard to do all my work, blog, and home stuff while Mathew went to the new Cabela’s and got a new video game, so needless to say, I’m not a happy camper. We are a very close couple and enjoy each other’s company a lot, so it’s not easy for me to hardly talk to him all week long. Not to mention, he’ll be gone all weekend (see Happy #4) so yeah.

3. Not having a kid REALLY made me feel left out this year for Halloween. I’m sure that sounds stupid, but seeing everyone’s perfectly coordinated family Halloween costumes did have me wishing I had a little family to dress up. Sure, Mathew and I dressed up on Saturday, but poor Pearl didn’t really get to show off her sweet little angel wings that I bought her the day of the wreck. We didn’t go anywhere, and we live in an apartment so we don’t get trick or treaters, so needless to say, Pearl just modeled her wings at the house.

Now it’s your turn to link up! Tell us about the Happies and Crappies from your week!

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