Welcome to our 14th week of Happies and Crappies link up day! I’m SO EXCITED (as usual!) for all you to join us today and seriously can’t believe H&C has already been around 14 weeks!
1. Happies and Crappies link up will be posted EVERY Friday at Midnight CST
2. We’d like for you to put our button on your post for the link up.
3. Please follow your hosts. We won’t make it mandatory, but we appreciate the love
4. If you tweet about your post, feel free to tag myself, Sarah, and use the hashtag #HappiesandCrappies
1. Mathew couldn’t keep the surprise in any longer- I’m getting my car next week! I wasn’t supposed to get it until May but it’s close enough! I can’t wait.
2. I had my last student teaching observation yesterday. It went pretty well and my mentor teacher had the nicest things to say to my observation supervisor. I couldn’t help but blush.
3. I had my first job interview this week. I was really nervous because it was for the school I’m student teaching at. I did really well, but I could really appreciate prayers. I’ll find out after next week if I got the job or not.
4. I surprised Mathew on Wednesday with a clean apartment. The living room had been REALLY messy because honestly I come home, cook, clean, blog, lesson plan, fill out applications, and then head to bed. He was so happy to come home to the living, dining, and kitchen clean. It made me feel good.
5. I put on Pearl’s raincoat that I got from Pet Co at Blissdom yesterday because it rained so hard. She looked so freaking adorable. She still got her paws/legs all wet, and refused to wear the hat so her head was soaked too, but she was so cute.
1. It’s been a crazy week with the Boston Marathon bombing and the explosion in West. If you didn’t know, West is 30 minutes away from me and SO many people in our area were affected. Houses were flattened by the force from the explosion, people died (and so many are injured), and so many people now have NOTHING. The community is doing everything, but they can still use your prayers.
Now it’s YOUR turn to link up for Happies and Crappies!
Stephanie says
Congrats on the new car!! Woohoo!
Stephanie recently posted…Truth Time!
Neely says
how is seeing me tomorrow not a happy?
Courtney says
There are few things I love more than a dog in clothes!
Courtney recently posted…Happies and Crappies {twelve}
Amber says
I agree with Neely – I’m a little pissed you didn’t mention us in your happies 😉 Kidding!!! Love you and so excited to see you!
Pearl looks ridiculously adorable. I’m going to have to get Bink a raincoat now!
Amber recently posted…It’s OK Thursday #90
Ari says
Yay for your new car… how exciting! And for the interview. 🙂 Your dog looks so cute!
Ari recently posted…Five on Friday, take 4.
Kayla says
Fingers crossed for your job interview and congrats on your new car. Happy weekend!
Memoirs & Mochas
Kayla recently posted…April Must Haves
Kendra says
Awesome new car! And good luck with the job, I’m sure you’ll get it!
Kendra recently posted…The Ultimate Fangirl
Shelley says
Your dog in the jacket just cracks me up!
Shelley recently posted…Time For Another Hair Decision!
Kelly says
My prayers go out to you (Student teaching, job, car, ect) and Boston in general!
Sparkles and Shoes
Kelly recently posted…Pink Glitter Pumps
MJ says
Thank you for hosting!
MJ recently posted…Pieces Of Happy
Jodi says
This has been a crazy week. So ready for things to calm down in Boston. I live way too close to all the action and I don’t like it at all. I hope you have a nice weekend.
Jodi recently posted…Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Bethany K says
The dog raincoat is precious! And I love the feeling of cleaning up! It sucks it only lasts a day or two, but it feels really nice right away. It’s one thing you can do where you see immediate results (unlike working out for an hour or drinking more water). 🙂
Bethany K recently posted…Weight Loss?
Ashley says
So excited for your new car!! Pearl’s raincoat is DARLING!!
Ashley recently posted…Ashley Lately
Rheanna says
So excited to be joining in for the first time 🙂
Amy Lynn says
Yay for a great week! That’s so exciting about your new car 🙂
Glad to see there’s much more positive than negative this week, and I hope you get the job!
Sorry to hear about the West explosion 🙁 what a terrible tragedy
Amy Lynn recently posted…Creative Juices are Flowing
Kathrin says
yay for being done with student teaching!! Prayers that you get the job!! And some days I come home and just clean too…it takes a load of stress off my mind and I can unwind from teaching all day 🙂 Sorry about the explosion and I hope things get better!!
Kathrin recently posted…Influenster Vox Box
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