Today definitely didn’t start out the way I wanted. I had a really weird dream last night, woke up with an achy back (stupid bed), and then had a grueling meeting at work that left me feeling all kinds of nervous.

My day got progressively better though and I actually had lunch with my favorite work buddy, Silvia! She really is awesome and knows how to make me feel better when I’m having a rough day. We can step on each other’s toes though sometimes, but I feel like that’s just because we get along like sisters. It was great chatting with her and it made my day a wee bit better.

I finished out work, went home and did some homework, got groceries, and then got a random call from my friend Ryan. You see, Ryan and I go back all the way to 9th grade Biology. That’s 11 years. He’s been married 2 1/2 years to Jessica, and since he got married, I haven’t really seen him because we both moved away from Corpus and it’s a considerable drive visiting the other. They’re moving to Waco this summer (which is random because it’s not my hometown) though so Ryan can get his PhD at Baylor, and I couldn’t be happier. It’ll be SO nice to have some friends of my very own (you know..friends that weren’t Mathew’s first) here. We ended up having dinner (the 4 of us) and Mathew admitted that he LOVED Ryan and Jess. After talks of us all moving near each other, I couldn’t help but end tonight feeling so excited that they’ll be (hopefully) moving down the street from us.

Here’s an old school pic of Ryan and I back from 2007. We used to go to Astros games all the time, and this was after one of

Besides my day ending SO much better than it started, I also bought some hot pink glassine bags via InTheClear for our candy buffet! I think it’s going to be perfect with our stamp! We’re also going with Groomsman Adam to Men’s Warehouse tomorrow to go try on suits/tuxes (I don’t know what the difference is and I’ll have to see them try on both) for the guys and Mathew. I’ll make sure to take my camera to document!

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