
I had a lot to think about last week, and came to the discovery that I’d love to start a little “Making Time For…” series on the blog.

making time for series

If you didn’t know, my grandmother has dementia, and Thursday night I called her to say “Happy Birthday”. I love my grandmother but I hate calling her. I know that sounds horrible, but let me tell you why- 1) she forgets that I don’t speak much Spanish so half the conversation I don’t understand her and 2) I really don’t know what to talk about with her. Anyway, I called her… and she’d forgotten about me.

My Grammy Girl lives 8 hours away from me, so it’s really hard to visit. She also goes in and out with her memory. Her dementia isn’t bad (yet) but it’s only a matter of time. Knowing she’d momentarily forgotten about me had me so heartbroken that I cried for an hour and a half to my mom even though I knew it wasn’t my grandma’s fault.

this adorable picture of my Grammy Girl dancing at my lingerie bridal shower is my fave. courtesy of this blog post

It got me thinking- I need to make more time for my family. Time on Earth is PRECIOUS and I don’t even know silly things about my grandmother that I always wanted to know– What is her favorite color? What was her first job? What was her childhood home like?

Not only that, but I realized I hadn’t seen my dad and brother since Christmas, my mom and sister since early March, and I haven’t seen my older sister since BEFORE Christmas when we went skiing. I had a Facebook chat conversation with my older sister, Arlene, and she told me I need to make more time for my family.

I realized God was sending me a message- GO VISIT THE FAMILY. So that’s just what I did. And all this crazy ensued..

Corpus Family Trip
Bottom to Top: The Lexington- Mathew’s favorite, my niece Lexi and I on the sailboat, Pookie, Me, and Mathew at Jurassic Park, and Pookie and I. Right picture: Pookie and I trying to take a picture and getting photobombed by my brother, Chris.
Corpus Family Trip 2
Top: Mom and I doing a little shopping, Bottom: Pookie and I being silly, Lexi on the boat, and Mathew and I outside of a restaurant

I had SO much fun visiting my family. We did SO much- hanging out on the sailboat, eating Marble Slab, shopping at World Market, going on the Lexington, and just generally having a good time. Mathew and I decided that we want to try and visit at least once a month. It’s time to make time for my family.

Life is short. Be with the ones you love.

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