If any of you have seen the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you know this quote. The dad is always telling people to put Windex on things to make them feel better. Got a scratch on your elbow? Put some Windex on it. Got a pimple? Put some Windex on it!

In my case, I have the latter. And with two weeks til the wedding, pimples are a big, fat no, no!

I’ve been trying to do a good job in washing my face daily, putting on moisturizer that’s not oily, putting limited amounts of foundation on- all so my face can be bright and pimple-free for the wedding. Unfortunately, I still got a pimple.

My usual cure? Wash my face and put a dab of toothpaste on the zit. Yep, toothpaste. The toothpaste helps dry out the pimple and helps it go bye-bye. It wasn’t working though, so I called in my Twitter reinforcements.

Katie from Spirals and Spatulas recommended Burts Bees Herbal Blemish Stick to me yesterday, and I ran out and bought it. It’s all natural remedy with stuff like tea tree oil, juniper oil, and eucalyptus oil. With only using it for about a day now, I can already tell a difference. Katie wasn’t kidding when she said this stuff works fast! It made my pimple stop hurting, and is helping it heal. I’m hoping it works, because I’m desperate!

What remedies do you use when you’ve got pimples? How will you prevent break outs on your big day?

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