Thanks to Huggies for sponsoring today’s post, but my love for their new stylish diaper wipes is all my own.
Being pregnant has made me really come together with other women in my same stage of life. When I began this blog, it was to document our engagement and wedding, but I love how it’s transformed into so much more. Blogging about our wedding really encouraged me to seek out other brides that were getting married around the same time I was, and now that I’m pregnant, it’s encouraged me to do the same thing with women that are due around the same time as I am. It’s great to build friendships around these connections, and really build a strong community! Because I’ve thrown myself into a world full of preggos, everyone I know is having babies or about to have a baby within the next few months. My friend, Mallory, just had her baby boy this week (Addison’s new boyfriend haha) and I couldn’t help but go a little bit overboard when bringing a New Mom Hospital Essentials Gift Basket.
At first, I had no idea what I wanted to bring as a hospital gift. Should I bring things for the baby? For her? What would she need? What would they want? But then it hit me- many moms get lots of the things they “need” at baby showers and pretty much are set to go once the baby is born. I decided that I would get the baby a couple necessities, but I really wanted to highlight HER and get her things that would make her smile.
1. The Huggies Clutch ‘n’ Clean Wipes are my absolute favorite part of this basket. I recently bought a pack for myself in their cute floral print, and thought it’d be perfect for my friend. I love the fact that it has a stylish baby wipes bag design, has a clutch strap (in case you’re at a restaurant and don’t want to drag your whole diaper bag), and is refillable. For less than $3, the Clutch and Clean Wipes are too cute to not put in a New Mom Hospital Essentials Gift Basket!
2 & 3. My friend had a C-section and she definitely had gone into labor thinking she was going to have a natural birth. I have heard so many stories about how awful the pain is (and rightly so- it’s major surgery!) and really wanted to do something that would really help her feel better. I got her a loofah on a stick so she could take a shower and reach her legs and back without trying to stretch too far. The Bath & Body Works body wash I figured was a perfect pairing because you can’t buy someone a loofah and not get them yummy smelling body wash! A variation on this for moms without C-sections could absolutely be some maxi pads and Tuck’s Cooling Pads.
4 & 5. Since she delivered the most adorable baby boy into the world, I thought it fitting to buy her some blue nail polish and lip glosses. I know she’ll have her hands busy from now on, but I’m hoping she might get a minute to paint her nails while he’s asleep and throw on a swipe of lip gloss if she needs to run to the store for diapers and wipes. Plus, I hear so many stories about how tiring it can be to have a newborn, and I want her to always feel gorgeous, even when she’s exhausted. Sometimes, a little polish and lip gloss can go a long way!
6. Lastly, I got a little Johnson’s set of baby products . I’m sure she had some already, but you can never have too much of it.
When we brought the New Mom Hospital Essentials Gift Basket to Mallory’s hospital room, I couldn’t help but practically throw the basket into her lap so I could see her reaction. I know she had gotten clothes, flowers, and food throughout the day, but it felt REALLY good to see her open her present and truly smile because I had thought of her needs. I was able to find all of these things at my local grocery store, but if you are looking for the Huggies Clutch ‘n’ Clean Wipes for your New Mom Hospital Essentials Gift Basket, click the image below and you’ll get a list of places you can purchase them.
If you are/were expecting, what other things would you like to see in the New Mom Hospital Essentials Gift Basket?
Hi! Congratulations to your friend! I would have liked to have had some snacks in my hospital presents. I got lots of flowers and Christopher got lots of soft toys, poor hubby didn’t get anything (which I thought was a bit sad) so I bought him a new dad t-shirt when I got out of hospital. I would have liked some snacks because I was in hospital for 4 days and hospital food in the UK is terrible. People knew not to buy me such things as nail polish , with a newborn and a horse there is no way I ever have time to paint my nails! I have bought some in the mean time though, now that Christopher is 22 months 🙂 I think I will pack some of my own snacks this time (due Sept 24th) as I will have my bag packed from 30 weeks after getting caught out at 35 weeks last time and being totally unprepared!!! Best wishes to you and hope everything is going smoothly xxx
I would have loved some snacks! Something for hubby would have been nice too. By the time to have a baby they have got soooo many gifts, it’s nice to do something for mom and dad. Maybe a cute do not disturb sign for when you want your sleeping baby to stay sleeping 🙂
I love this! Go ahead and bring this exact basket to the hospital when little man gets here;) Great products.
Lani @ elle dee designs recently posted…Lemonade Hostess Gift
As someone that’s had three kids (via c-section) this is BRILLIANT! Especially the loofah on a stick! I skipped showering a few times just because I knew it’d be so painful!
And you’re a sweet friend! I’m off to add those wipes to my shopping list now!
amber.m recently posted…Home Decor Love.
I would love to get comfy PJs/lounge wear because you can never have too many types of comfy clothing. I also would love some paper stuff like lip balm, hand cream and some body spray over the nail polish because I think that is much more realistic to use when you have a newborn. Snacks and a pretty water bottle and some magazines would also be a good idea, esp for BF mamas.
Some guilty pleasure magazines for those few quiet moments.
Deb recently posted…Homeschooling my child may be the best option
As a Mom of three boys this is perfect – love these ideas to gift to my friends that are expecting!! Pinned!
Claire @ A Little Claireification recently posted…M&M Brownies In A Jar & More | Best Of The Weekend Party
This is a great New Mom gift! Especially if they are still in the hospital! Perfect and thoughtful!!
Taylor @ Pink Heels Pink Truck recently posted…Weathering Storms
I love that you included some beauty items. New moms need to take time to make themselves feel good!
Jamie Rippy (@MamaMommyMom) recently posted…FREE Scavenger Hunt Printables
I would have liked to get all that stuff when I had my babies!
Melanie recently posted…Comment on From Tweet to Delivery with #AmazonCart by Marilyn
Lots of people bought baby stuff when Jack was born. We were so grateful. My sister in law bought us toilet bowl cleaner which everyone thought was hysterical!!! She has 2 boys so she knows all too well about cleaning up toilets, lol. I will admit I got a lot of special mommy gifts once we got home. Lots were in the form of fruit, like edible arrangements, YUM! We also got lots of giftcards to Starbucks! My mom picked up all the essentials for me. She bought lots of Aveeno shower gel and oatmeal soap. Its important to use lots of sensative/fragrance free stuff when you plan on breastfeeding for baby bit also for the new mommy. Breast feeding/ pumping was very uncomfortable and soaps can irratate it. Love the nail polish idea and the loofah on a stick. I would suggest comfy socks and magazines too.
Kristina recently posted…Returning To Work After Baby
These are such awesome finds!!
Ange recently posted…Cheap Sandals For Summer
Those Clutch & Clean Wipes are the coolest things ever…wish those were around when my kiddos were babies!! Too fun!
I love Bath & Body Works products! They’d be perfect for a new mom.
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