Welcome back everyone to another week of Copy Cat Closet! I missed last week’s Copy Cat Closet because I was in San Antonio for the state conference for work. It was really great and a lot of fun,  but I was sad that I had to miss the cute outfit Natalia and Christie put together.

As you know, for Copy Cat Closet, I’m linking up with Natalia and Christie from Ma Nouvelle Mode and Kelley from The Grant Life

the Grant life

This week’s Copy Cat Closet was kind of a coincidence actually. I’m kind of obsessed with my iPhone and usually check it the second I wake up (I know, I’m terrible). Monday though was a bit of a crazy morning for me, and so I got dressed for the first “official” day back at work with some of the new clothes that I got from Loft. I’m really trying to branch out and be more fashionable (I really can be- I just get into lazy funks sometimes). Anyway, so I threw on my new clothes, checked my phone, and an email popped up from Natalia.

I’m not kidding- the outfit that she chose for this weeks’ inspiration was pretty much what I was wearing.

Natalia’s look with colored pants, casual top, scarf, and top knot

Christie’s look with colored pants, light weight tank, and twist hair style.

Our tips for this challenge were colored pants, comfortable shoes/top, and shopping our closet (Natalia also said a scarf- but that was optional). This is what I chose:

Pants and Snakeskin Printed Shirt- Loft, Studded Wedge Shoes- Jessica Simpson

My favorite part of my outfit? I got it from the clearance rack thanks to shopping advice from my friend Laura! Loft had a great sale last week and I got 40% additionally off my already on clearance priced clothes.   I also made sure that with my cropped pants I wore wedge shoes. Last week I saw an episode of The Chew and Clinton Kelly made sure to express that it was very important to wear some kind of heel when wearing cropped pants (especially if you’re short- and I am). Basically if you don’t, you run the risk of looking shorter, and stumpy. I didn’t want any stumpy-ness so I made sure to wear my wedges. I also did my hair pretty simply. I did a small twist on one side of my hair and then put my hair up in a ponytail. It kinda gives a little something extra to the regular “boring” ponytail.

I think I did pretty good on this challenge (though dang it, I need a photographer other than myself, and better lighting and a better background). I can’t wait to see what Natalia and Christie come up with next week!

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