With 2 1/2 weeks until our engagement photoshoot, I’m definitely in bridal beauty havoc mode. Will I look too fat? Will my smile be extra white? Will my teeth look straight? The thoughts in my mind are horrible.
I started to take charge of all of this starting yesterday. Starting to get on the right track, I ate a better lunch and dinner. I felt good about eating better, and decided I needed to start with the teeth straightening. My teeth are fairly white, but I can always do that a week before. I used to have Invisalign braces a few years ago, and I’ve had the retainers for about 2 years or so. Sadly, I rarely (almost never) wear them. My upper teeth have spaced out a tad (but usually within 2 weeks I can get them to be fine again), but my lower teeth have shifted a lot because I still need to get my wisdom teeth removed. I usually like to wear my upper retainer for a week or so before trying on my lower retainer so that way only part of my mouth is sore. Last night…I decided to wear both.
My uppers fit fine, but my lowers are so messed up that the retainer only went on halfway! NOOOOO! So needless to say, my mouth is in a TON of pain today. It’s so bad that I barely want to open my mouth. I will NOT ever do this again. I need to just wear them every night and not forget. My lesson has definitely been learned and I am going to keep wearing the retainers despite the pain. I’ll let you all know how this turns out.
J and A says
Getting your wisdom teeth out sucks! 🙁 Hope you are in less pain soon! 🙂
sandytoesbride says
Not fun. Do you really, reallllly , need to wear the bottom one? Will anyone really see your bottom teeth when you smile? I’ve always had straight teeth on top, but the bottom is a bit wonky. I thought about getting them fixed for the wedding but then realized: they have been this way my whole life. They make me part of me. Toooo bad. So they are stayin. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Bicoastal Bride says
So sorry you’re in pain, Stephanie! 🙁 Feel better soon!
Jasmine says
No! every once in a while I get the urge to wear my retainers at night and always regret it in the morning! haha
Good luck!! have you chosen an outfit for your engagement pictures?!
Nicole-Lynn says
Oh no!! Yikes.
I remember how stressed I was right before our engagement session. I thought I’d look fat, not tan enough, my hair would look too wind blown, worried about sand sticking to me, etc. It all worked out fine and we were able to get some beautiful pictures 🙂
Saying I do says
I got my braces off in 8th grade and I still wear my retainer at least 5 nights a week and they fit perfectly. My fiance has the same problem as you though..he can’t get his retainers in at all, it’s amazing how your teeth shift without even realizing it. Hope it fits better soon and stops hurting!
Northern VA Bride To Be! says
I’m getting Invisalign soon too!