Easy tutorial from The Vintage Modern Wife on changing your Bloglovin' URL! I'm so glad I pinned this!

Since the big hub-bub last night with Google Reader, everyone has freaked out and moved to Bloglovin’. I’ve had a Bloglovin’ account for a while, but got overwhelmed when I added so many blogs, that eventually I just started typing in the URLs of blogs I wanted to read daily.

Because everyone started jumping back on the Bloglovin’ bandwagon, I couldn’t help but wonder…

Is there a way to change my Bloglovin’ URL so there aren’t numbers in it?!

and so my search began.

Now, this is TECHNICALLY the URL to your Bloglovin’ profile, but your blog shows up right underneath for friends to follow. I was able to get help from a friend (Hey Mandy!) to figure out how to do it, and I thought I’d share my knowledge with y’all. So here goes:


Sign into Bloglovin and find your picture and name on the top right hand corner. There should be a little downward arrow by your name. Click it.

Step 1 of Bloglovin URL tutorial


Scroll down to “Settings” and click it.

Step 2 of Bloglovin URL tutorial


After you click “Settings” it should bring you to a page that looks like this. Initially mine didn’t have this stuff under “Profile Info”, but if there is something to click there, click it and it will look like mine. Fill out your Profile Info and specifically fill out the Username.

It’s my recommendation that you put your username as the same thing that is your blog URL. For example, my blog is www.thevintagemodernwife.com, so I made my Bloglovin’ URL www.bloglovin.com/thevintagemodernwife. I find that this helps readers find your blog better, and honestly when you’re trying to give a friend your URL, you don’t want to have to look it up or memorize a whole slew of numbers.

Once you’re done, click “Save” at the bottom.

Step 3 of Bloglovin URL tutorial


Sign out of Bloglovin’ and type in your new URL to make sure it works properly.  Your page should look similar like mine if you’ve done it correctly.

Step 4 of Bloglovin URL tutorialNow you’re done!

Go forth and share your new Bloglovin’ URL with your friends and tell them to follow you!

I’d love if you followed me on Bloglovin’ as well. You can CLICK HERE to add me or click the “+” on the left sidebar of my blog.

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