Raise your hand if you’ve ever thought about meeting another blogger. Ok… now raise your hand if you’ve told people you’re meeting another blogger and they look at you like you’re cray cray- yep, that’s what happened to me last week.

For the past couple of weeks, I’d been talking with Neely and Sar about the possibility of all of us getting together. If you’re a blogger- you know how these conversations start off. Someone needs to get away and you jokingly (but actually you’re kind of serious) say “Come over here!” Usually, they never pan out. Thankfully, this one did! 
I talked to Mathew about having Neely and Sar spend the night for a weekend and he actually didn’t look at me like I was crazy. He knows that my blog friends are considered my “real” friends (because they are!) and told me it was fine with him. I married a good man 😉
Neely, Sar, and I had been counting down the days until we all met up. Crazily enough- Sar actually lives here in Waco AND has a mutual friend (hey, Maggie!) and we’d still never met because of our weird schedules. Finally, on Saturday, we met up! 
Sar mentioned she was bringing a friend, Kelly, to hang out with us, and I’m SO glad she did. Neely and I met Sar and Kelly at Cameron Park, a popular place to go in Waco. We hung out for a little while, just as if we’d been friends forever, and then Kelly took some pictures of us all. You guys- Kelly is an AWESOME photographer. She does wonders with a camera! Here are some pics from our shoot:
My new fave pic. Can’t you tell?! 

Our “let’s pretend to laugh” photo- me, Neely, and Sar.

I love this picture above because we all started thinking about SATC and how people always take pictures where they pretend to laugh. Of course, as we pretended to laugh, we went into full blown laughing mode and couldn’t stop. We are goofballs.

Here’s a behind the scenes picture of Kelly and Neely. I’m sure you’ll be able to see how Neely’s picture ACTUALLY turned out on her blog today.

Neely & Kelly
Me and Sar
Me, Neely, and Sar

After the park, we all felt the need to get some bar food and drinks, so Sar and I took the girls to George’s. If you’ve been to Waco, you know that this is the best spot for drinks. They’re popular for their “Big O’s”.

Margarita and Beer Big O’s

Neely sippin’ one back
Of course once Happy Hour was done, we went back to my place to get our stuff situated and then hit up HEB and their glorious wine department. Let the craziness ensue:
Lots and lots of wine

This is what happens when you dare Kelly to do something

Back at the house

The rest of the night was spent drinking our bottles of wine, attempting to watch a movie, gossip, and Facetime other bloggers (Hey Whit and Sarah!). 

Our only group picture with all 4 of us

This was an awesome experience for me. I’m so glad I finally have been able to meet these ladies and have such a good time with them. We actually plan on meeting up again soon. Anyone else nearby want to join? 😉 PS- have YOU ever met any bloggers before? What were your thoughts before/after?

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