Baby Bump Monday is extra exciting today! If you don’t follow me via Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook (which, if you’re not, you should) you might’ve missed our BIG gender reveal! No worries though- I made y’all a sweet chalkboard to announce it if you weren’t following me (shame on you!) Not only that, but tomorrow I’ll be sharing ALL of the fun little details from our gender reveal. If you want a few sneak peeks, make sure you check out #BabyVMWgenderreveal on Instagram. (Ps- excuse my tired eyes this week!)

Love this gender reveal chalkboard by The Vintage Modern Wife. I need to get one of those gender reveal sashes by Coralou's Creations!

How far along: 19 weeks! This Saturday will officially mark me being halfway through my pregnancy! I’m excited and sad that it’s going so quickly!
Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Maternity clothes: In today’s Baby Bump Monday- I’m wearing my Liz Lange vneck maternity top from Target, and this GORGEOUS sash from Coralou’s Creations. She made this JUST for me and it was perfect for our party. So perfect, in fact, that I had to wear it for this week’s pictures just because I wanted another excuse to wear it. I freaking LOVE it.
Stretch marks: Still none yet. Praying that baby girl is kind to me lol.
Belly button in or out: Innie 🙂
Sleep:  I’m sleeping harder now which is nice. Still getting up a couple times a night to pee and change sides to sleep on, but I feel like I’m getting a better night’s rest lately.
Best moment this week: We finally were able to announce to everyone that we were having a baby girl! You guys have NO idea how hard that was to keep a secret. I had every single person I knew constantly asking me what the baby was. Knowing for 4 days before telling people was EXTREMELY hard.
Miss anything: My sister and brother! My little sister was able to come up for the reveal this week, but my brother and other sister couldn’t because of prior commitments (which I totally understand!) I definitely missed them though and was sad that it didn’t work out for them to come.
Movement: I’ve felt kicks all in the lower region of my stomach, but yesterday I felt it on my side too! It was weird knowing that she has been moving all around even more!
Cravings: Pei Wei Pad Thai and anything with strawberries. Mmmm
Queasy or sick: I think I’m still traumatized from my Panera food poisoning, so when I got a wrap from another restaurant yesterday I got really grossed out. I just don’t think I’ll be eating anything with salads for a while.
Looking forward to: Buying all kinds of girly things now that we know our baby is a girl!
Pearl’s thoughts: Pearl is excited and nervous to be a big sister. Mom also thinks that Pearl needs to learn to control when and when not to bark before the baby comes.

Love this progression of baby bump pictures by The Vintage Modern Wife. Her gender reveal sash by Coralou's Creations is TOO cute!

 I’ll be drawing the winner today from those that commented last week and guessed that our baby would be a girl. Be on the look out for an email from me!


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