This blog post on Fun School Lunch Ideas for Kids is Sponsored by Babbleboxx on behalf of Funkins. 
#ad Looking for fun school lunch ideas for kids? We love these great ideas from Funkins! #backtoschoolwithfunkins #funkins #myfunkins

School started a few weeks ago and it’s been amazing to see Addie and Lawson get into their school routines. Miss Addie has started 2nd grade and Lawson is now in Pre-K 3. I remember growing up as a kid and getting excited about my new backpack and lunch box for the year. There’s something so fun about it! I love making Lawson a fun lunch and even though Addie has a g-tube, it’s important that she has that same enjoyment too! I thought I’d share some fun school lunch ideas for kids that we enjoy and hope they bring joy to your family too!

#ad Looking for fun school lunch ideas for kids? We love these great ideas from Funkins! #backtoschoolwithfunkins #funkins #myfunkins
#ad Looking for fun school lunch ideas for kids? We love these great ideas from Funkins! #backtoschoolwithfunkins #funkins #myfunkins

Some fun school lunch ideas for kids:

1| Don’t miss out on the power of a fun lunchbox. One thing that brings both of my kids a smile with lunch time is having a fun lunchbox. Addie loves her new Mermaid Lunch Bag and Lawson’s Transportation Lunch Bag makes him so happy! Both are from Funkins and are insulated, durable with reinforced seams, easy-to-use zippers, and can be thrown in the washing machine. They come in all different kinds of fun patterns, too! Don’t forget to throw in a Funkins reusable gel ice pack, too!

2| Take a few moments to write a sweet note. Funkins carries coordinating lunch box note cards, stickers, and sticky note pads. Whether it’s a quick stick drawing or an “I love you” with some added stickers, I really enjoy slipping notes into Lawson’s lunch before he heads to school for the day. Got older kids? Try writing a silly joke, words of encouragement, or even a sweet memory. Get creative with these cute school lunch accessories.

#ad Looking for fun school lunch ideas for kids? We love these great ideas from Funkins! #backtoschoolwithfunkins #funkins #myfunkins

3. Go Waste Free: We’ve switched so much in our house to be better about waste. We use un-paper towels in our bathroom, glass whenever we can instead of plastic, fabric cotton rounds instead of disposable, and more. It’s been a great idea for the kids to go green too! Funkins has cloth lunchbox placemats and napkins for kids that are bright and cheerful, durable, and earth-friendly! Such a win. I love packing Funkins cloth lunchbox napkins with their lunches in case there’s a formula spill, sticky fingers, or a mouth that needs wiping. The kids enjoy the fun patterns and it just makes for a fun home or school lunch accessory. 

4| Get the set! If you home school, your kid has school virtually, or they have a day off from school, make school lunch fun for kids with the Funkins Bamboo Fiber Dish Sets. Lawson has school twice a week, so when he’s home, he uses his Funkins dish set. He likes all his foods separated, enjoys all the transportation pictures on his natural bamboo set, and I like that we are helping the environment!

#ad Looking for fun school lunch ideas for kids? We love these great ideas from Funkins! #backtoschoolwithfunkins #funkins #myfunkins

It’s so much easier than you think for fun school lunch ideas for kids! Funkins makes it super easy, and I’m grateful because we’re always busy. Everything is so bright and cheery, durable, and it puts a smile on the kids’ faces. Doesn’t get better than that!

Use code Fun21 for 20% off all Funkins products now through September 30, 2021 so your kids can have a fun school lunch too!

#ad Looking for fun school lunch ideas for kids? We love these great ideas from Funkins! #backtoschoolwithfunkins #funkins #myfunkins
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