
Hello! I’m Laura from Saying “I Do”, and I’m so honored that Stephanie had me guest post for her today…of all days!!! I have been following Stephanie for some time now and can’t believe that her wedding is finally here!! Stephanie has been a terrific fellow blogging-bride friend over the past year or so, and I wish her nothing but the best today. Having just gotten married 6 months ago, my obsession with all things wedding has just transferred into utter excitement for all my other friends (blogging or otherwise) who have weddings coming up! Stephanie closes out the year with her wedding, and I’m sure it will be quite the party!

When I got married, everyone had the same advice for me on my wedding day. You know them, let’s say them all together now, shall we?


“Take in the moment”
“Enjoy every second”
“Don’t sweat the small stuff”
“Make sure to EAT”

Stephanie definitely needs to keep these things in mind today. But what I’ve learned in the past 6 months is that these are mantras we should be telling ourselves on a daily basis. This is the start of your lives together, and so far, marriage has been pretty darn amazing for me. Shouldn’t we always take in every moment? Shouldn’t we always enjoy every second, and try not to sweat the small stuff? Shouldn’t we always remember to EAT? Well…hopefully that’s an obvious one.

I woke up this morning next to my amazing husband, with the most adorable little 5 month old puppy nestled in-between us (I brought her upstairs with us after her 5am pee break). I stopped for a second, took in that moment with the two of them passed out next to me…and was just infinitely happy. These are the moments in life that I live for.  

And these are the moments that Stephanie and Matt will live for too as they start their life together. Today, tomorrow, the day after that, and so on. Take pictures as you set up your new apartment. Do something special together your first night back from your honeymoon when you’re back to real life and realize “Wow…we’re married now”. Take care of each other, and revel in every moment together.

Stephanie has a LOT to think about today, including all those little clich é mantras. But my mom and I put our heads together to try and come up with the best piece of advice we could give Stephanie today. (Some of you may know my mom from her comments on my blog-posts every single day). We thought about what made our experiences so great at my wedding and what many brides all too easily get pulled away from actually doing. And here it is:

Just dance! Dance your butt off! Dance like you’ve never danced before! Dance like no one is watching! Dance, dance, dance, dance…Because today is your day! (Oh..and Matt’s day too)


Unfortunately, social norms prevents society from comfortably fulfilling this dance mantra on a daily basis, (unless you’re a professional or something) and that’s exactly why you should take full advantage of it tonight. We had a blast dancing at my wedding and the pictures from that night speak for themselves.

Congratulations to Mathew and Stephanie!. May your days be filled with taking in the moments, enjoying every second, not sweating the small stuff, remembering to eat, and if you can…a bit of dancing!

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