This week has been incredibly long! I’m thankful that it’s Friday now! No wedding stuff has happened today (though I did have a WONDERFUL lunch today with my house party member, Jordan!).
I did, however, stumble upon these hangers (below). I absolutely am in LOVE with them, and i MUST have one! I may suggest it for a valentine’s gift or a birthday gift (even though my birthday is in July). You can find it on Etsy from the shop blackscrapcat 🙂
Any of you else shop on etsy? I always find such cute stuff! If you have a favorite “shop” let me know!
I love etsy!!!
I adore etsy. You should also check out Wedzu. It has a more limited selection but sometimes etsy can be a little overwhelming!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading more 😀
I love these hangers, too! My friend got one for her wedding and it looked so fabulous in her pictures! I hope you get it!