Mathew and I just got back from the gym about an hour ago. I successfully did my 10 mile bike ride in 5 mins and 10 sec less than I usually do! I’m really happy AND I ended up kicking Mathew’s butt as he tried to keep up with me.

We got to see groomsman Jacob today also. He is definitely considering moving back to Waco and I have to say I’m pretty excited. Things have been getting a little dull here and Jacob always knows how to liven it up. He’s been a great friend to Mathew and I hope he really does end up moving here. Plus, if he moves, we’ll have our very own ballroom dance teacher since Jacob used to work at a studio.

Ken Paves’s assistant, Kelly, emailed me back Ken’s interview today for Weddzilla. My post is ready to go for Wednesday! I’m super excited and I can’t wait for you all to read it! I’ll make sure to let you all know about it once it’s up!

We got our stamp today that I won on Kamie’s blog last week from StampOutOnline. It looks SO cute and I can’t wait to go buy a pad of ink to try it out! Looks like I better start looking for some glassine bags!

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