It’s Sunday, and that means it’s been 1 week and 1 day since we got married. How did this week fly by so fast?! I’ll never know.

Our wedding was amazing, perfect, and went by so incredibly quickly. The rehearsal dinner flew by, the wedding morning flew by, and the wedding flew by as well. The wedding night was absolutely amazing, as we stayed in the historic Driskill hotel in Austin. We had one of the few rooms with a deck outside (there are only 3) and it was great just to take in the culmination of a year and a half engagement.

A lot has happened in the past week. We’ve gone grocery shopping (I feel like we’re always at HEB), had friends over, had our toilet overflow (yep, that was today), and my car was in the shop (and needs to go back again tomorrow) and is quickly draining our savings account. I guess that’s what married life is all about though, right? Having fun, dealing with the crazy stuff, and being “poor”. Haha.

We’re going on our honeymoon on Friday (we leave for Dallas on Thursday night) and I finish my finals on Wednesday. I can’t wait for an entire week on the beach, in the sun, with a pina colada and my husband by my side. We definitely need a vacation, and our honeymoon will be JUST what we need.

While we’re on our honeymoon, I’m making sure to line up some great guest posts! As for now, I leave you with a picture a guest took of us at our wedding reception:

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