Today’s post is sponsored by LUNA Bar, but my love for LUNAFEST is all my own

I was invited to LUNAFEST the other week, and was unable to make it due to Addison’s medical status and our finances, and to be honest, was sad I couldn’t make it. I love the message that LUNAFEST brings through their women game changer campaigns.

There are so many women game changers, and my friend Lauren is one of them for me. Lauren and I met several years ago for our Legacy class when we were engaged to our guys, and hit it off immediately. Since then, Lauren has inspired me and encouraged me to be the best person possible. Most recently, Lauren left her teaching job to be with her son because of medical issues, and it really encouraged me to have the fearlessness to do the same for Addison. Being a stay-at-home mom isn’t easy…especially if your child has or has had medical issues. I am so thankful for Lauren because she can relate to my “problems”, pray for me, talk with me, and encourages me through the scary path of not having a job. She’s an amazing friend and really has shown me Jesus’ love.

photo courtesy of Lisa Leonard Online

Not only is there Lauren, but there’s my sweet friend, Lisa. Many of you know Lisa through her shop, Lisa Leonard Designs, and know how much of a kind heart she has. Lisa just really encouraged me throughout my pregnancy with Addison and helped pray for me when we found out that Addison would have medical issues like her SCT. Lisa has the most beautiful life story about her family- specifically her son, David, and speaks about finding beauty in brokenness all around the U.S. for blog conferences. Her story has completely touched my heart, given me strength when I’ve felt like I’ve had none, and just makes me realize that some of the most beautiful things can come out of brokenness.

Right now, LUNA Bar is hosting a festival in support of all of the unsung, inspirational woman film makers out there. In support of my favorite women game changers, Lauren and Lisa, I definitely think this is a beneficial cause! Please go check it out!

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