Its Ok Thursdays
I rarely link up on Thursdays because Happies and Crappies is on Fridays, but I heart my girls Amber and Neely and to be honest, this week has been SO busy. I always want y’all to be updated though, so make sure you’re following me on Twitter and Instagram for the latest! So here goes:


1. to have a meltdown over realizing you have turned in 30 resumes without a certain piece of info. Good news- they’re editable if you applied online!

2. to eat macaroni and cheese (courtesy of Panera) AND jar cakes (courtesy of My Momma’s Kitchen) in the same night and make people jealous on Instagram.

Panera Mac and Cheese

My Momma's Kitchen Jar Cakes
More on these cakes later! I can’t wait to tell y’all about them!

3. to not blog for the majority of the week because you’re frantically applying for jobs from the second you get home til you go to bed.

4. to crack up aloud at group texts (especially when they’re crazy gals like Amber, Neely, Meg, Whitney, Ashley, and Heather) and send hilarious bed head pictures.

5. to ask for prayers on Twitter in hopes you’d get a specific “answer” from God, only to realize you’re completely out of control and you’ll find out in due time how your life will turn out for the best. By the way- to everyone who prayed for me, thank you.

6. to have a messy apartment because life is too crazy at the moment

7. to watch Pitch Perfect for the 10th (at least) time. It’s just so good!

8. to  realize even MORE SO that family is so important. My sister’s best friend got into a 4 wheeler accident and my niece and her daughter witnessed it. They almost thought she was dead, but thankfully she’s just in ICU. It’s still terrible, and she’ll have a long recovery, but so glad she didn’t die. THIS IS WHY YOU NEED TO SAY “I love you” and VISIT your family.

9. to wish you were still at Blissdom…

10. to be secretly happy your husband wakes up early with you so you can actually see him in the morning instead of just at night!

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