Last year, Neely introduced me to the State Fair of Texas, and it changed my life. It was completely different than anything I’d ever been to. Tons of people, crazy combinations of food, and lots of fun rides. The Texas State Fair is a lot different than the Heart of Texas Fair here in Waco just because of the incredibly large scale. Combine the crazy-large size of the State Fair of Texas with Texas and OU fans, and you’ve got our insane Saturday.
Mathew and I headed to the Big D after lunch time since he had a church function in the morning. Even though we’d heard that the game was the same day, we didn’t really think it mattered since the game was in the morning. Luckily, we’d missed all the insane traffic, but the second we pulled up to the State Fair of Texas, we realized the game had JUST ended.
Cue the “oh crap”s.
We met up with Amber and her boyfriend, Nate, as soon as we got in. It was really nice because we hadn’t really expected to hang out with friends at the fair, but they just happened to be there when we were. We did the obligatory Big Tex picture-taking and got out of the way of all the incredibly rude Texas and OU fans (psst- Gig ’em!).

There are several “musts” when going to the State Fair of Texas. The first, obviously, is taking a picture with Big Tex. Second, is getting a foot long corny dog. Yes, I said CORNY. When you’re at home or at a take out place, sure, it’s a corn dog. But at the fair- it’s a dang corny dog… and they’re freaking amazing. I only have a corn dog once a year, and it’s here, because they’re THAT good. Battle the crazy lines, smother that baby with mustard, grab some fresh squeezed lemonade, and you’ve got a full on meal for the rest of the day.
Of course, a trip to the State Fair of Texas isn’t complete without taking a few pictures while you walk around to let that corny dog settle. I mean, you don’t wanna get on rides and puke, do you?! (That answer is no, by the way.) Amber and I knew we wanted to do at least one ride, so we made sure to stop and look at the new Chevy Silverado Strong Trucks and take silly pictures just to stop being so full.

The crowd started following us (it seemed) so we unfortunately didn’t do as many “must have”s that we usually do: ride the ferris wheel, eat the awesome food like “Fried Thanksgiving Dinner” or “Fried Reeses Cups”, or play carnival games. Had we gone a different weekend, we would have, but there were just TOO many people. Amber and I did end up riding Techno Power, a favorite of Neely’s. She introduced it to me last year, and I had to ride it again.
Techno Power was a blast, but definitely had my stomach feeling every up and down! Then again, isn’t that the point? After the ride, we decided to part ways with Nate and Amber and head back home. I may or may not have been so worn out from the State Fair of Texas that I fell asleep half of the drive. Since I’ve been sick with this stupid sinus infection, I definitely have been more exhausted lately. I’m ready to be feeling better again! In any case, it was a blast to spend the day with such great friends. It’d been a couple months since I’d seen Amber (Mathew’s birthday in August to be exact) and I was missing her. I’m so lucky to have such a great friend all because we met in the “blogging world.”
Speaking of Amber, I have an announcement to make-
Amber will now be the new co-host of Happies and Crappies! Thank you to everyone who was interested and offered to take the position. I had several people that were amazing choices, but Amber just seemed like a wonderful choice. She’s had successful link ups in the past, is a wonderful friend, and I definitely look up to her when it comes to blogging. I can’t wait for y’all to get to know her (if you don’t already) and continue with our 40th week of Happies and Crappies this Friday.
What “musts” are YOUR favorite at your state fair? Or have you never been? Sound off in the comments!
I am a slight bit jealous of the Texas State Fair. Everyone was there over the weekend!
I had the fried thanksgiving dinner! It was really good!
Fried Reese Cups?! What?!
I love corn dogs from the fair! Totally the best!
I am so jealous! We have the NYS Fair where they have the “Butter Sculpture” exactly as it sounds… I have been seeing all of the Texan ladies State Fair posts and I am so jealous of the “Fried Thanksgiving Dinner” YUMMM! The corn dog looks amazing, too 🙂 glad you had fun!
Three words …… FLETCHERS. CORNY. DOGS.
Yes, I’m pregnant. Yes, I’m have insane cravings for state fair corny dogs and yes, I’m tempted to drive to Fair Park every day to soothe my obsession. However, my waistline (along with athletic trainer, OB doctor, Baby K, and Husband) would not approve. I’m staying away. I’m down almost 20 lbs and I don’t want to ruin my hard work with a ridiculous craving. Ughhhhhh, but I’ll live vicariously through my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I’m glad you survived the Texas/OU crowds. I told you it was going to be insane. HAHAHA
Nicole @ Three 31 recently posted…Chunky Monkey
Looks like such a fun time. I’m not a fan of the “corny” dogs but I love fried dough!!! Sorry it was crowded and you couldn’t do everything but glad you got to hang w/ Amber.
Yay for the fair and your new cohost!!!
Carly recently posted…Prepping for Black Friday and Funday Monday
Fun! I love fairs, especially this time of year.
Katie Clark recently posted…30 Day Gluten Free Meal Plan
I want to go to the Texas State Fair. I’ve heard it’s awesome, and of course you just reassured what everyone else has been saying. The Louisiana State Fair is awesome, but I doubt it holds a candle to Texas’s. Maybe I’ll make the 3 hour trip. Hmm.
Sooo fun! I’m sad we didn’t make it to the MN State Fair this year, but there’s always next year! Now I’m really craving fried food!
Chelsea recently posted…Competitive Mom Syndrome
So jealous of the Texas State Fair ours is nothing in comparison!!
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