The Vintage Modern Wife: Happies and Crappies Link Up

Welcome to our 17th week of Happies and Crappies link up day! I’m SO EXCITED (as usual!) for all you to join us today and seriously can’t believe H&C has already been around 17 weeks!

The deets on Happies and Crappies link up:

1. Happies and Crappies link up will be posted EVERY Friday at Midnight CST . Happies and Crappies link up was created so you could write about the happies (good) and crappies (bad) from your week!
2. We’d like for you to put our button on your post for the link up.
3. Please follow your hosts. We won’t make it mandatory, but we appreciate the love
4. If you tweet about your post, feel free to tag myself, Sarah, and use the hashtag #HappiesandCrappies


1. As promised last Friday, I am officially out of my blog slump. I promised I’d be back with more content and I made it my goal to post all week long! If you missed this week’s posts  here’s what you missed: $75 giveaway from How to make a monogram in Word (and how I decorated my graduation cap)/ Graduation announcements from Olive Lane/ That time I vlogged about my hair  

2. Graduation is officially TOMORROW! I’m super psyched and my parents and brother and sister are coming in town today. The house is all cleaned and I’m ready for everyone to be here! Now- let’s just hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow for the ceremony and we’re all good!

College Graduation- Tarleton State University

3. If you’re a personal Facebook friend you may have read this, but if you aren’t… my Aunt Gloria sent my dad with graduation presents since she can’t come to Waco this weekend. Apparently my dad couldn’t hold it in that my Aunt Gloria is passing down her little hand bell she used in her own classroom! My Aunt Gloria means so much to me and she’s the type of teacher I strive to be. I’m pretty excited about this and I’ll make sure to take a picture for y’all next week.

4. I’ve pulled out my B&BW Caribbean Salsa candle that I bought last summer. It makes our apartment smell so tropical. Plus, I just got an email that they have their candles on sale now for 2 for $22! Such a steal! I definitely need to jump on this.

bath and body works caribbean salsa candle

5. I started a special project for Mathew and I. I’ll have to mention it in another blog post, but I think it’s really going to make our marriage so much more. Y’all are gonna love it.

6. Wednesday night I found some wedding videos my friend Maggie took during our reception. It was so nice to find these hidden gems! They made me smile, laugh, and just relive the night. It’s been about a year and a half since our wedding and I wish I could marry Mathew over and over again every day.


1. Still on the hunt for a job! I had an interview on Wednesday but won’t know if I got it or not until next week. If I do- awesome. If not- it’s back to the drawing board!

Now it’s YOUR turn to link up for Happies and Crappies!


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