Photography by: Teressa Jane Photography
Well, the news is out today and we couldn’t help but tell you guys all about our little Fall pregnancy announcement! We are adding another pumpkin to our patch! We couldn’t be more excited about this pregnancy and have been waiting for my first trimester to be over (it ends on Friday!) so we can make the big announcement.
Many of you have noticed that things have been pretty quiet on social media lately- sometimes going days between updates. This baby has given me quite the morning sickness, or I should say, all day sickness. Between taking care of Addie and napping when she naps, it’s been pretty boring around here. We’re all ready for the nausea and vomiting to go away, but in the mean time, I’m taking it as a big blessing because it means our sweet baby is growing.
As you all know, we suffered a miscarriage last year and it was a huge blow to us. We weren’t sure if we’d ever be ready to bring another kiddo into the family, but God had the perfect timing for this sweet angel baby. We found out Sunday, August 6th that I was pregnant, and to be honest, we were a bit shocked! I took a test, and immediately went to tell Mathew. Our faces were priceless. Were we ready? Should we get our hopes up? What would we do if we miscarried again? We just prayed and held our breaths until my first appointment.
The first appointment went really well. The last time I’d been in my OBGYN’s office was when I miscarried, so I was really worried. I went by myself so Mathew could watch Addie and everything looked great. My doctor is a really great guy (we know him from church) and asked me to come in a couple weeks later just to make sure everything was ok. Since I was worried about miscarrying, we saw him 2 weeks later.
That first appointment was also a bit stressful because it was the same weekend Hurricane Harvey was supposed to hit the Gulf and my family was unexpectedly coming to town so they could escape from it. Addie’s birthday party was the very next day so between running around for last minute party supplies, cleaning the house for family, doing laundry, and getting food for the party, you could say my I was a bit on edge that day. The good news that our baby was a-ok did my heart and mind so much good.
Addie- Shirt/ Pants/ Shoes (similar)
Stephanie- Shirt/ Jeans/ Scarf/ Hat
Two weeks later, with my crew in tow, we went to see the doctor for a second appointment at 10 weeks. We saw a very strong heartbeat and were absolutely taken aback at how big our baby had gotten in just 2 short weeks. It was so great to have Mathew and Addie there, and we got our very first picture of our baby! We asked a lot of questions- genetic testing via blood tests and amniocentesis, if we needed to worry about anything right now, etc. Thankfully, we got great news that we could do that further on in pregnancy, and we’ll likely talk about it again next week when I have my 14 week appointment.
As for our photo shoot, not only did we want to make sure we were out of the woods by announcing towards the end of the first trimester, but we really wanted a Fall pregnancy announcement with tons of pumpkins. We shot at the Dallas Arboretum because we just love how it looks with all of the thousands of pumpkins. If you’re able to visit the Dallas Arboretum sometime, definitely do it in the Fall because it is INCREDIBLE! Make sure you take a picnic blanket and a picnic lunch so you can relax on the berm and overlook the lake. It’s beautiful this time of year.
I want to take some time out to thank Teressa with Teressa Jane Photography in helping us with our Fall pregnancy announcement. Teressa is currently expecting her own sweet baby in just a few weeks, and she squeezed us into her busy schedule to take these amazing pictures. She captured our perfect vision for these Fall pregnancy announcement photos and we couldn’t be happier. I can’t wait to print some out and frame them for the house! Teressa is a dear friend and I’ve known her for a long time through the blogging world. Although we weren’t close, we found ourselves on the same Young Living essential oil team and chat every day about our businesses. It’s been amazing to get to know her and her sweet mama heart so much better the past couple of years.
So this is where I leave you, we have an appointment next week to see how things are going and I’ll be updating as much as I can about this pregnancy like I did with Addie. I will say, I’m awfully tired these days and pretty nauseated, so I’ll do my best on updating! If anything, check Instagram or Facebook. And if you don’t watch my Instagram Stories, definitely do, because I update DAILY on there with random happenings!
Congratulations Sweetie….. Will be keeping you in prayer for a glorious pregnancy and a beautiful healthy baby. Thank you for letting us be part of your journey …. Hugs and kisses to Addie.
Congratulations so happy for y’all to have this wonderful news of the new baby coming. I wonder if Digize will work for your nausea. Best wishes!!!!
Huge congratulations!!!
Awww congrats! I’m also so sorry to hear that you miscarried last year!