Outfit details: Shirt/ Jeans/ Scarf/ Hat
Photography by: Teressa Jane Photography
I’m a little behind on my bumpdate but I figure you guys won’t mind! First trimester was so crazy and I’m happy to say that as I write this, I’m finally 13 weeks and out of the first trimester! Hallelujah! I cried many tears of joy for our baby (and frustration from being sick) and I can’t wait for all of the fun things that the second trimester brings. I have my 14 week appointment on Friday and I’m excited to get another glimpse of the baby and see what the doctor has to say about everything. It’ll have been a month since I’ve seen our sweet baby and it always amazes me how fast they grow in such a short amount of time!
How far along: 12 weeks (well here. I’m a bit behind on my bumpdates as I’m now 13 weeks.)
Name: We finally have picked out a boy name and a girl name. We will share once we find out what we’re having!
Size: Baby is the size of a plum at 12 weeks! That’s 2.09 inches and .49 ounces
How I’m feeling: At 12 weeks, I was still feeling rotten. However, since I’m writing this at 13 weeks (I plan to do a bumpdate every other week), I can say that I’ve turned a new leaf (I think!) and I haven’t been sick in 3 days! Praise Jesus!
Sickness: First trimester was rotten. I was sick before meals, sick after meals, throwing up meals- it was rough. Smells were huge triggers and my nose is like a bloodhound’s.
Cravings: Cinnamon Raisin Bagels. They were the only thing that would make me not want to throw up. I also sometimes wanted to drink pickle juice on it’s own which is super weird for me, and salt and vinegar chips were very helpful in soothing an upset tummy.
Aversions: Cooked meat was rough. I can eat it, but I couldn’t cook it or smell it cooking. The smell of smoke from a barbecue pit also was a huge trigger. Anything also with a strong smell I couldn’t take- which included my favorite Korean tacos.
Weight gain: Nothing so far. Too much vomit!
Physical changes: I swear I could see my stomach getting bigger the second I found out I was pregnant. Also, my chest feels like it weighs so much! Mama is getting ready to make milk, I suppose!
Pregnancy purchases so far: I’ve made a few purchases so far that I wanted to share that have been helpful—
- This nursing bra. My bras were getting SO uncomfortable and this one has been awesome. I bought several and I’m so glad I did.
- Young Living Lemon essential oil and Peppermint essential oil. Lemon was the only thing I could tolerate in my diffuser with my sensitivity to smells and Peppermint saved my butt whenever I was nauseated. I wore a diffuser bracelet and put Peppermint on it so I could smell every time I felt sick. If you’re thinking you need to go grab some now, get YL. Don’t get that junk at the grocery store. Trust- it’ll make you feel more sick.
- Young Living Einkorn Granola. So good to snack on whenever I needed something light in my stomach that wouldn’t make me feel bad. It’s not overly sweet and you can eat it by the handful, as cereal, or on top of yogurt.
I’m excited to keep you guys in the loop as this pregnancy progresses with more bumpdates. Please pray for an uneventful pregnancy and for a healthy baby! Every day we tell Addie she’s going to be a big sister and I think she’s starting to come around to the idea that it’s going to be an awesome thing! Haha!
I’m so happy for u and Matthew that u are having another baby. I pray that ur pregnancy will be good and for a healthy baby. Addie will be such a good big sister. Sending lots of hugs, love and prayers! Teresa Mau
Congrats! Such an exciting time while you grow your next baby! I feel your pain…my first I was sick from sun up to sun down. I must offer…peppermint eo is very unsafe during pregnancy 🙁 It has the ability to raise blood pressure which could lead to pregnancy related complications. I hope you would reconsider the use of it. Spearmint is a much better choice. Much love from a fellow oiler 😉
I am so happy for all of you! I am looking forward to your updates and following you on your journey!
Enjoy the beautiful day!