A few weeks ago I got the chance to go to Dallas at Northpark Mall to meet Jessica and Ashlee Simpson. Jessica and Ashlee were out promoting Jessica Simpson’s clothing, shoe, and jewelry line, and had a meet and greet! I have to admit, I’m usually not selfish when it comes to meeting celebrities, but to be honest, I felt like I needed to be selfish with this duo or the line would be even MORE crazy. Is that bad?! I honestly have been a Jessica Simpson fan for many, many years, and when Ashlee came on the scene with her first cd, I was an instant fan of hers as well. Jessica and Ashlee Simpson were my celebrity BFFs…they just didn’t know it yet.

I bribed Mathew into skipping going out to his deer lease to hunt and taking me to Dallas for the event by telling him we’d stop in West for their famous kolaches. The event started at 1 pm but I KNEW we’d have to be there early. I tried to get there  by 10 am, but with terrible traffic, we ended up arriving at 10:45. I may or may not have panicked and practically dragged Mathew in the store so we could hurry up and get in line. Mathew picked me out a Jessica Simpson cream motorcycle jacket and adorable navy blue flats with studs since we were at Dillard’s anyway (and called it my early anniversary gifts), and we got our spots.

I heard some girls talking about free earrings at the jewelry counter, so I left poor Mathew in line with tweens talking about Justin Bieber. Bless his heart. I wasn’t gone too long, but then of course I decided I had to go to the bathroom (which was only on the 3rd floor due to Jessica’s team using the 2nd floor bathroom). I got so excited when I heard someone say they had seen her earlier, and may have laughed when I overheard a different woman asking her friend if Jessica was tall (psh!). I have to say- I’m pretty good at my Jessica Simpson trivia, so I may have been a little smug in my own head. Oops!

After waiting about 3 hours because the event started an hour late, Mathew and I finally caught a glimpse of Jessica and Ashlee Simpson. Jessica, Eric, Maxwell, Ace, and Tina all walked in together (with all the paparazzi) and I swear, I felt like I’d almost died. I mean, Jessica was like my celebrity BFF but she didn’t know it…and I had FINALLY seen her in person! After a little of the chatter died, Ashlee walked in looking fabulous with her curled hair and we all got started.

Right before I got my turn to meet Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, I couldn’t help but look over and notice that Tina Simpson (their mom) was right next to me. I quickly asked Tina and Ace to take a “selfie” with me and well, as you can see, I was so excited to take the picture that 1) neither of us is really ready and 2) it’s blurry. But I don’t caaaaare! I loved Tina on Newlyweds and how she seems so much like my own mother. I couldn’t resist.

I also caught several fun pictures of Eric Johnson (Jessica’s fiance) throwing their adorable daughter Maxwell up into the air and catching her, and just pictures of Maxwell being so incredibly fashionable. Watch out Suri, step aside for Max! I love her bright blonde hair, little ponytail, and her rocker chic outfit. When I have a little girl one day, I hope she has the same shade of blonde hair. I just love it!

It seemed like forever to FINALLY talk to Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, but the time came. You guys have NO idea- I seriously took like 2 hours getting ready for these ladies. I thought I tried to look great for blogger meet ups but holy cow- I really tried hard! I wore my new leopard sweater, Michael Kors heels (Jess and Ash love his stuff), jeans, curled hair, perfect makeup, and the right accessories. I’m glad I took the time because the first thing that Jessica said was “I love your outfit!” which was quickly followed by “Us Texas girls love us some leopard, huh?” I died.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to tell them when I met them. In fact, I pleaded on my personal Facebook for my friends and family to pray that I would find the right words to say! I know that’s kind of ridiculous, but when you’re meeting your idols, you need that extra confidence. I ended up talking to Jessica and Ashlee Simpson about being from Waco. Jessica told me, “OMG we were just there last night!” We ended up exchanging short stories about Waco and how we lived close to their family. Last year around Christmas the girls had come to Waco and I was in Corpus visiting my family. My friend Hollie had been working at Chuy’s at the time and texted me to let me know that Jessica had stopped by with her family. I begged Hollie to get me an autograph, but she wasn’t able to. I told Jessica and Ashlee that I thought I’d missed my chance, but I was SO thankful that I had the opportunity to meet them after all.

We also talked about Pearl. Yep- I’m that crazy lady that talked about her dog to celebrities. Greaaaat.

But actually, it was great! Mathew and I bought Pearl at the same place that Nick Lachey had bought Jessica’s maltipoo, Daisy, and I really felt like I needed to share the story with them! Jessica got SO excited when I told her about Pearl! The girls mentioned how they missed Daisy and that they thought it was so cool that I had gotten Pearl at the same place. I also shared with them that Pearl’s name was inspired by Daisy’s. Pearl’s middle name is Rose, and I picked it because it was a flower just like Daisy. Anyway, it made me so happy!

After everything, I knew I didn’t have much time left to chat, and it was almost Mathew’s turn, so I asked the girls for a hug. Unfortunately, their management wasn’t allowing hugs (which I totally understand for time and safety concerns), so the girls held my hands and squeeeeeezed them tight like a hug. It made my LIFE. Sadly, Mathew didn’t know they were about to “hug” me, so I didn’t get a picture hand-hugging Jessica, but I have one with Ashlee.

I said my thank you’s, took my autographs and gift bag, and grabbed Mathew. I didn’t post any pictures of him meeting Jessica and Ashlee on Instagram, but they’re all on my phone. As much as I “dragged” him out to see them, he was really excited to meet them too. I remember turning to Mathew and saying “…and THIS is my husband!” to which Jessica replied, “Hi husband!!!!” They, too, talked about Waco (and Jessica’s life-long dream of owning the local grocery store as a kid), and I didn’t want our time to end.

We said our final goodbyes, and just about died from excitedness.

Here’s the thing- I know I may be “silly” to some for loving Jessica and Ashlee Simpson so much, but I don’t apologize for it. They remind me SO much of me and my sister, that it really DOES make me wish that they knew me better. I didn’t feel like a “fan” with them- they made me feel like I’d been an old friend. These girls are successful singers, businesswomen, and mamas- and that’s something to be incredibly proud of. Not only that, but they do it with CLASS. I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to meet them, and I hope that someday soon again our paths will cross!

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